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Online Forms - using Products Fields
Online Forms - using Products Fields

Add, manage, and personalize product selections in your online forms.

Updated over a month ago


The 5.12 release (February 2025) delivers another valuable enhancement to Online Forms. You can now create forms with interactive Products fields with customizable columns. This allows you to deliver streamline your users' experiences by auto-populating Opportunity or Quote forms with products selected by respondents. Among the many options, you can choose your form setup with shared price lists, multi-currency support, and automatic grand total calculations.

This addition opens up many new use cases including requests for quotations or even orders being requested via your Online Forms. Automatizer can then be utilized to manage the follow ups and notifications required by your business processes.

Please read this article for comprehensive information on working with Online Forms.

Adding a Products Field to an Online Form

From your Online Form, create a new field of type “Products” ⤵

The following options are available:

Show Total Amount - shows the total amount for all products selected by the respondent

Show Product Images - displays product images next to the product name (if you have the images added to your Pipeliner Products & Services

Limit Product Selection - when this option is turned on, the user can limit the maximum number of products that the respondent can select

Show Additional Fields - the user has the option to show additional fields for all products that the respondent selects in their response. For example, if Price is selected as an additional field, the respondent will see the Price per unit for all products they select.

When adding additional fields, all Product and Product Line Item fields that are of one of the following field types will be available to select ⤵

  • Dropdown

  • Single Line Text

  • Radio

  • Long Text

  • Number

  • Checkbox

Some fields are intentionally not in the list as they will display by default ⤵

  • Product Image

  • Product Name

  • Quantity

  • Product Unit

Choosing which products should be available for selection on the form

In the Select Product List section, you will define what products will be visible for the respondent. Choose between Dynamic Product List or Static Product List

Dynamic Product List - If you select Dynamic Product List, you'll also need to set up filter criteria to identify the products that should be available for selection by the respondent. All products that match the filtering criteria will be automatically added to the product list. When a new product is created and it matches the criteria, it will be automatically visible on the product question

Static Product List - if this option is selected, you'll need to manually select which products you want to display to the respondent. You'll need to remember that when a new product is created in Pipeliner Admin>Products & Services, you'll need to go back to the field settings in the Online Form to add the new product manually. If you wants to add products, click on the Add button that will open a window with all products.

Adding the Products Field to the Form

Once you've chosen your preferred Field Settings, drag and drop the Products field onto the Online Form. If this is the first Products field to be placed on the Form, you'll be prompted to select a price list and currency. The selection will apply to all Products field placed on the form. This setting can be subsequently changed in Online Form Settings>General>Options. You can also choose whether to show the Grand Total for all Products field on the form in the Submit Footer ⤵

Once the field has been added to the form, selecting it will open up the right hand panel. The field will have the standard options in the General tab to allow for customization including:

  • Question Title

  • Question Description

  • Image

  • Visibility

  • Required

  • Read-only

Clicking on the Values tab will allow you to amend some of your previous selections:

  • Placeholder Text

  • Show Total Amount

  • Show Product Images

  • Limit Product Selection (the limit will be shown next to the Add Products button on the question)

NOTE: changing settings here will impact the field only on this individual Online Form.

The Rules tab allows you to define what products must be selected in order for the other field to appear when visibility rules are set up for other fields and the Products field is selected to base the rules on. You can also define if Any or All of the products will trigger the condition.

Using the Product Field on the Form

The respondent will see a selector that allows them to select one or more products from the list (depending on the limits you may have chosen). As soon as the respondent selects a product, they can select the Product Name, Quantity, Image (if enabled), Unit and any Additional Fields that were added when the form was set up ⤵

Online Form Response Detail in the Feeds

When the respondent submits the online form, the answers to the Products questions can be seen in the response detail in Feeds. The Product Name, Quantity selected and the Unit show by default in the response detail. You can click on the magnifying glass icon to open a drilldown to view all products selected. The basic information can be exported or printed. ⤵

Responses in the Online Form Summary

The same information is shown in the Online form summary when the product question is selected. You can see what products and quantity were selected by all respondents for the question. The magnifying glass icon opens a drilldown with all details ⤵

Product Line Item drilldown

When you open a drilldown with Products you can see the full detail, including what values the respondent selected for each product ⤵

Clicking on an individual Product in the drilldown, will open a Product Line Item view with each additional value for the product that the respondent selected ⤵

Using Products Personalization

You can use the values from the response to fill the Products & Services section on a Quote or Opportunity record form using personalization. Select the Products field(s) using Add Field option in the Create Record or Update Record forms. All products that were selected by a respondent in this question will be automatically added to the record form ⤵

Quantity Limits in Online Form Settings

It is possible to restrict respondents from selecting a quantity greater than a selected value in the Restrictions sub tab under the General tab in Online Form Settings. When any restriction is turned on, all Products questions will be immediately shown and you can select which restriction(s) you want to enforce:

  • Limits per Response - the quantity for the product question as a whole cannot be more than the set number for each individual response

  • Limits for all Responses - the total quantity cannot be exceeded by all responses. This option simulates a “number in stock” with each response subtracting from the total quantity until it reaches 0.

The two options can be combined. When a respondent tries to submit a form with quantities that are above the set limits, they will be notified via an error message on the form. ⤵

Form closure when product quantity limit is reached

It is also possible to stop receiving further responses when the product quantity limit is reached. This trigger can be set up only by enabling the “Response Acceptance Threshold” and choosing Products Quantity Limit. You can choose one or more Products questions and also whether Any or All limits must be reached in order to close the form. This window is read-only except the checkbox that selects which product question limit triggers the form closure. If you want to change the quantity number, you need to do so in Restrictions tab of Online Form Settings.

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