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Automatizer — Using Webhook Actions
Automatizer — Using Webhook Actions

A description for technical users to illustrate using webhook actions in Automatizer processes

Updated over 2 years ago

PREREQUISITES: Automatizer is a paid-for add-on to Pipeliner. Please contact your Account Manager directly to discuss how it can streamline your business or email and we will ask your Account Manager to contact you.

Please make sure to read this article — and watch the videos — to learn more about the features of Automatizer in detail. This article is not a detailed description of each feature.

This feature is not designed for end users but is aimed at users with a good understanding of and experience of working with webhooks in other contexts.


Automatizer is our “Point & Click” automation tool designed to help you easily and graphically build your organisation’s processes into Pipeliner. Automatizer allows you to streamline your workflows and empower your teams working with Pipeliner by automating repetitive tasks and communications.

We’ve made it as easy as you would expect from Pipeliner! No complex language or coding is required!

Every process consists of triggers, if/then conditions and can include multiple actions.


Whenever we update a Lead that we’ve entered as a result of an event, we want the contact information from the Lead to be sent to our email marketing tool so they can be included in future campaigns.

Creating your process

Open the “Automatizer” from the “Tools” menu. Click on the “Create New” button.  Fill in all the details and set the process to be a Space Process as we want it to be triggered by any user ⤵

Click on ”Save“ to save your process. This will launch the “Process Editor” ⤵

Click on "Start" to choose when you want the trigger to activate.


For our example, our process needs to trigger when any user updates a “Lead

Click on "Save" to save your Trigger and move onto your Condition(s).


For our Condition, we want to select Leads that are generated from our events so our first criteria is that the “Lead Source” is “Event” but as we’re intending to pass the data to our marketing system, we want to ensure that we only include records where we have an email address (if we don’t do this, it’s likely that the data would be rejected by the marketing system) so we’re going to also include the criteria that the email address of the contact that the lead is linked to is filled in — i.e. "Related Contact e-mail" is not empty ⤵

Click on "Save" to save your Condition(s) and move onto setting up your Action(s).


We’re going to send the data from the Leads using a webhook so we’re going to name our Action and then select Send Webhook in Action Type.

Next, click on "Configure Webhook".

Select your "Request Type" from the drop down options and then enter your "Request URL". ⤵

The available options for "Request Type" are:


  • GET


  • POST

  • PUT

Next you need to enter the information in the "Body" tab.

Using the “Simple” option allows you to select the field data that you want to include from the list of available fields in the list in the left hand panel by checking each one ⤵

Or you can write or paste in your own code in the "Advanced" tab, using the personalisation options to insert the Pipeliner fields ⤵

If you need to, you can select "Date/Time" format options from ISO Standard or Timestamp

And also your "Request format" from JSON, Text or XML

Click on the "Authorisation" tab to enable Authorisation and enter the required Username and Password

And finally, add in your Custom Headers in the "Headers" tab. Enter the Key(s) and Values(s) adding additional options using the "+" symbol.  Once finished, you can lock the values by clicking on the padlock icon

Testing your Webhook

You can test the Webhook immediately without needing to run the Process in Automatizer. You can choose to test on an existing record using the “Test with Record” option — you’ll then be able to select one of your “triggering” records e.g. Leads OR you can “Test with Sample Data” ⤵

You can see a preview of the request on the “Request Preview” tab ⤵

NOTE: You can open or close each section by clicking the chevron at the end of section headers

Click on "Response Preview" to see the same details for the response ⤵

Standard error codes are used. 

When your webhook is complete, click on "Save" and Save again to finish saving your Process.

You’ll need to publish to save your changes to update your process and, of course, you should always test your whole process before activating ⤵

Use the Process Manager and notifications to keep track of your processes. 

Related Articles/Next Steps

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