This article covers the following topics:
In another major enhancement to our Account Management functionality, we’ve added a Products tab to Accounts. You will use the Products tab to see a breakdown of which Products or Product Categories have been included in Open, Won, or Lost Opportunities linked to Accounts.
The "Trend View" visualizes Product trends over a period of time for the Account and helps you to quickly identify changes (and Opportunities!) based on buying patterns over time. You can easily drill down into the Opportunity data ⤵
The "List View" gives an overview of Open, Won and Lost Amounts and Quantities (by Category or Product). This is the view to show you exactly what you’ve sold to an Account in the past and what you’re currently working on selling to that company ⤵
The Whitespace View is all about tracking your cross-sell and upsell Opportunities by comparing your selected Account to others that are similar (the same Account Class or in the same Industry, for example) or other Accounts within the same group of companies (you’ll generally have added these companies to the Org Chart and can see a list of them on the Accounts tab) ⤵
Remember that you'll add Products to Opportunities in the Products & Services section shown below. Then, on the Products tab for each Account, you’ll see aggregated information about "Products" that have been associated with the Opportunities linked to the selected Account ⤵
NOTE: The Products tab uses Products from the Product Catalog in Pipeliner. See this article for information on how to set up and use Products in Pipeliner.
Using the "List View" in the Products Tab
Open your Account record and click on the Products tab.
If not already selected, choose the List View ⤵
Next, decide if you want to view Products or Product Categories.
If you choose "Products", the list will display all "Products" that have been added to Opportunities linked to your Account. You can remove (or re-add) the default fields from the grid as you can in any List View ⤵
The "Total Sum" and "Average" of the Open Amount, Lost Amount and Won Amounts are also displayed at the bottom of the grid.
Clicking on the hyperlinked "Product Name" will display the background information about each Product (as stored in the Products & Prices tab in the Admin Module › Products) ⤵
If you select “Categories”, you’ll see a list of all the Product Categories for Products linked to Opportunities for this Account along with the totals for Open Amount, Won Amount and Lost Amount ⤵
The Total Sum and Average of the Open Amount, Lost Amount and Won Amounts are also displayed at the bottom of the grid.
If you have Sub Categories set up under your main, parent Categories, you can use the “Expand All” button to display them ⤵
And then “Collapse All” to return to viewing only your parent Categories ⤵
Using the Trend View in the Products Tab
From the "Products Tab", select "Trend View" from the views dropdown and then choose from Products or Categories ⤵
If you choose "Products", the Trend View will display a line showing the trend for each Product that you enable. You can include, or exclude, whichever Products you are most interested in ⤵
NOTE: Products that are currently excluded from the Trend View show as a greyed out option, simply toggle to select.
The Trend View displays “Open Amount” by default. You can select alternative views from the dropdown to see trends for Amounts or Quantities for Products linked to Won Opportunities or those Products that are included in Opportunities that are subsequently Lost ⤵
Selecting "Categories" works the same way but aggregates the Products into their respective Categories. You can include — or exclude — Categories by toggling them on or off ⤵
Choose to see the trends for Open Amount, Won Amount or Lost Amount ⤵
Using the WhiteSpace View in the Products Tab
From the Products Tab, select WhiteSpace View from the views dropdown ⤵
The "WhiteSpace" view is all about comparing your selected Account to others so first, select the other Accounts to compare with your selected Account.
Use the “Add to Comparison” button to select and add specific Accounts — those from within the same group of companies, for example ⤵
Or click on the “Similar Accounts” button to see a comparison of Accounts with a similar characteristic to the Account you have selected — examples include Accounts with the same Account Class or those in the same Industry. Choose the field you want to use from the dropdown list of available fields ⤵
Then choose whether you want to focus on individual Products or Categories.
If you choose Products, the WhiteSpace View will display a column for each product that has been added to any Opportunity linked to the selected Accounts.
The value shown is the total value of that Product currently included in Open Opportunities linked to the selected Account (or Won Value if there are no Open Opportunities or the Lost Value if there are no Open or Won Opportunities) ⤵
If you have a current, open Opportunity that includes that Product, the card in the column will have a blue left-hand border. You’ll also be able to see and hover over the chart symbol to see the comparison of "Open" vs "Won" (and Lost) Values for that particular Product ⤵
If there are only previously Won Opportunities (no current Open Opportunity), the card will have a green left-hand border and if there are only previously Lost Opportunities (no Open or Won Opportunities), the card will have a red left-hand border. If there are only Won or only Lost Opportunities, the Product/Category comparison chart symbol will not appear ⤵
You can manually add additional Products to your analysis by selecting Product from the “Add to Comparison” button ⤵
This is ideal for you to be able to add a new Product to your Whitespace to identify Opportunities based on penetration of similar, or complementary, Products within your chosen Accounts ⤵
In this example, I’ve used the Filter options (covered later in this article) to choose only Products in the “Training” category and have manually added our new “Manager Training” product to my Whitespace. I can now easily get the view I need of the uptake of our Training provision across my selected companies. This view also immediately draws attention to gaps in User Training for the other Accounts so it could be time to discuss a special Training Bundle deal to encourage them to take both options... ⤵
Once I’ve made my plan, I can execute my next step directly by clicking on the + symbol. This allows me to create a new Opportunity, Task or Appointment linked to the Account I select ⤵
If I choose to add an Opportunity, once I’ve selected my pipeline, the new Opportunity will be linked to the selected Account and the Product I’m targeting will automatically be added! ⤵
If you only want to see which Products have never been sold to any of your selected Accounts, click on the “View Settings” button and enable “show only white-space columns” ⤵
Drill down to Opportunity data
From either "Products" or "Categories", click on the hyperlinked total (Sum) to drill down into all of the underlying Opportunities ⤵
NOTE: Remember that you can customise all Lists in Pipeliner by selecting fields to add or remove from your grid.
You can also click on a point in time in the "Trend View" to drill down to a list of the associated Opportunities ⤵
Filter Options
Use the filter options to adjust the view ⤵
You can filter on “Period”. Select from “Custom” to add a specific date range or choose one of the standard periods ⤵
You can also choose to filter on "Categories" (and to include – or exclude — Sub Categories). Tick the All checkbox to include all or select individual categories ⤵
You can select which pipelines you are interested in ⤵
Finally, toggle on “Show child accounts products” if your selected Account is part of an “Account Hierarchy”. Your view will then include all Products associated with any sub-accounts of your selected Account giving you a true overview of what you are selling to an entire organization ⤵
Exporting from the Products Tab
If your User Role allows you to export data, click on the "Export" button to export and then choose between Excel or CSV ⤵
NOTE: If you can't export, you'll need to speak to your Pipeliner Admin about your user role.