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Using Target in the Pipeline View
Using Target in the Pipeline View

This article explains how to use Target in the Pipeline view, changing Target Settings and managing excluded Opportunities.

Updated over 2 years ago

Pipeliner Target is one of its most important features. Always visible to the right of the main Pipeline View, the Target dynamically updates to reflect the results being aimed for by each individual or team. Target helps keep goals front-of-mind for any salesperson. It is always a motivation to make that quota! ⤵

INFO: Before you continue, it will be helpful to read this article.

In the Opportunity menu select the "Pipeline View" ⤵

How to navigate to the Pipeline view’s Power Panel

Select the "double gears" in the upper right to open the Power Panel and select the "Target" tab ⤵

Target provides the ability to quickly view how close you are to meeting the set target goal.

Notice if you are viewing the “All Users” or the “My”:

  • From the All Users, you can set the Target for your entire team if you are a manager.

  • From the My, you can set your own personal Target or Goal.

Click the drop-down to select “All Users” ⤵

How to modify the various values Target will be based on

Select the type of Target you would like your Pipeline to currently be based on (you can change this at any time).

There are 5 Target Types available:

  • Weighted Target — based on the probability of closure using the Weighting percentage on the top of each column in the Pipeline view, multiplies by the value of each Opportunity in that step of the sales process and adds it together.

  • Ranked Target — based on the probability used by the Ranking - number of stars - selected within each opportunity. Each star is worth 20%, Ranked Target multiplies the percentage by the value of that Opportunity. Does the same calculation for all opportunities that are open in the Pipeline and adds them together.

  • Balanced Target — an average of both the Weighted Target and the Ranked Target.

  • Unweighted Target — the total value of all Open Opportunities in the Pipeline.

  • Won Target — what has already been won ⤵

Next set your "Target Goal".

The Target Goal is the total amount you are setting for the target for your entire company (if using the All Users view or for yourself if using My). You can also use filters in a custom profile - for example, to select all opportunities owned by a specific team member - and add the Target Goal to your new profile ⤵

Next Set the "Target Calculation".

Click on the "drop-down" to select what the "Target Goal" is based on ⤵

EXAMPLE: Using the Opportunity Count would mean that the goal would be based on how many Opportunities there are in the Pipeline.

The default is the Opportunity value would mean that the goal is based on the total value of the deal.

Choose whether to Toggle Target Visibility

By default, this option will be turned on, meaning that the Target calculation will display over your Won Opportunities ⤵

If you Toggle Target Visibility off, the Target calculation will be hidden behind your Won Opportunities ⤵

How to modify the various date ranges the Target will be based on 

The Target calculation is calculated based on the Target Period (the closing date of Opportunities).

Use the buttons to select the range of closing dates that should be included for the Target calculation or click on the last button on the right to select a customized date range.

In Target Comparison, choose the period to compare to.

When you hover over the comparison percentage on the Target icon in the Opportunities Pipeline View, you can clearly how each period compares ⤵

Once you've selected all your options, click on "Save" ⤵

The result is that Target appears in the Pipeline View along with a percentage of how close you are to meeting your set goal ⤵

Why do Opportunities have the Excluded symbol in the top right?

As you're adding and updating your Opportunities, you may notice that they display the Excluded symbol in the top right of the card in the Pipeline View. This is nothing to worry about!  It simply means that the value of the Opportunity is not currently being included in your Target figures because something about it falls outside of the current Target Settings.  

The most common reason is that the Close Date of the Opportunity falls outside of the current Target Period — for example, the Target Period is the default Current Year and the Opportunity's Closing Date is sometime next year...

Showing Opportunities outside the selected date range for the target and displaying opportunities that were excluded from Target

From the Power Panel on the "View Tab" you will find these selections ⤵

How do I display Opportunities that are outside of the Target criteria, yet still not include them in the Target calculation?

From the Power Panel, select the "View" tab. Check the “Show opportunities outside the target” ⤵

How do I know which Opportunities are excluded from the Target criteria?

Notice that some Opportunities have a symbol in the upper right corner known as “Out of Target”. This indicates that the values of those Opportunities are currently excluded from the Target calculations ⤵

How to set individual Opportunities so that they are not included in the Target calculation

As the owner or an editor of Opportunities (or anyone whose user role allows them to modify your Opportunities), you can manually choose if the Opportunity should be set as Exclude from Target

Mouse over the Opportunity (this can also be done from the detail page of the opportunity).  

NOTE: This is a toggle button, you can also change this back to be In Target at any time through the sales process by selecting it again.

Select the "Exclude from Target" button ⤵

Now when viewing “Excluded Opportunities”, even though this Opportunity meets all the set criteria for what is considered IN Target, because I selected it to be Out Of Target, it is not included in the Target calculation, but I can still visualize in in the Pipeline. 

From the Power Panel, select the View tab. Check the “Show excluded opportunities” ⤵

Final Pipeline view

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