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Using the Navigator Dashboard

The Navigator Dashboard gives you a broad overview of your account and helps you to visualize certain items that require your attention.

Updated over 2 years ago

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Discover the helpful tool in the Navigator menu “Notifications”, to keep an eye on how many and which Task activities are overdue, as well as those that are on time based on their due date. From the Navigator menu, scroll to the middle of the page and on the left side is the Notifications section. Click the drop-down next to tasks to discover all the upcoming activities, who they belong to, as well as those that are overdue (in red).

Click on any of the activities will open the detail page of the activity. Clicking inside any of the checkboxes will mark the activity as completed without having to open to the detail page ⤵

Under the Tasks is the "Missed Close Date". Click the drop-down next to "Missed Close Date" to discover all the open Opportunities where the closing date is in the past ⤵

Clicking on any of the Opportunities will open the detail page of the Opportunity along with a list of any other Opportunity that has a missed Close Date. At this point, you can change the close date of the opportunity to bring it up to a more valid date, click save, then look at the list and select the next Opportunity and repeat until all Opportunities with missed closed dates have been brought up to date. 


In the middle of the Navigator Menu is a section titled Suggestions. In this area, Pipeliner gathers the data that has been entered, information about when it was entered, moved, last worked on, or the activities with it, and then provides some suggestions on what you might want to do at this point.

For example below are some Leads in Pipeliner, but nothing was with them yet

Click on any of the "Suggestions" and Pipeliner will open the detail page of the entity or activity along with a list of any others that it is referring to. Now you can quickly see what could be done to bring your things up to date ⤵

Navigator’s to-do list (Activity Stream)

On the right side of the "Navigator" screen is the activity stream. It is a combination of a to-do list (the activities that you have entered into Pipeliner that you plan on doing today or at some point in the future), as well as Opportunities that have closing dates today and in the future.

Click on any one of them to get to the detail page of that item ⤵

Business Overview

On the bottom of the "Navigator" screen is the "Business Overview" infobox. You can quickly get the birdseye view of how you or your team or company is doing ⤵


The "Target" element appears at the top of the Navigator screen. It provides the ability to quickly view how close you are to meet the set target goal ⤵

  • If the Goal value of Target is in green, click on the green target Goal as a quick way to modify the Target or goal.

  • If the Goal value of Target isn’t in green, click on the double gears in the upper right, which will open the Power Panel.

Notice if you are viewing the “All” or the “My View”.
From the All Users you can set the Target for your entire team if you are a manager.  
From the My View you can set your own personal Target or Goal (also known as quota).
Click the drop-down to select "My View" or "All".
In this example, I will use the “All” ⤵

Make sure you are in the "Target" Tab inside Power Panel

Select the "Target Type" you would like your Pipeline to be based on...
...there are 5 Target Types available:

  1. Weighted Target — based on the probability of closure using the percentage on the top of each column in the Pipeline view, multiplied by the value of each Opportunity in that step of the sales process and adding it together with all the opportunities calculated the same way.

  2. Ranked Target — based on the probability used by the number of stars selected within each opportunity.  Each star worth 20%, multiply the number of stars by the value of that Opportunity.  Do the same calculation for all opportunities that are open in the Pipeline and add them together.

  3. Balanced Target — average the Weighted Target and the Ranked Target.

  4. Unweighted Target — the total value of all Open Opportunities in the Pipeline.

  5. Won Target — what has already been won ⤵

Next set your Target Goal

The "Target Goal" is the total amount you are setting for the target for your entire company ⤵

Next set the "Target Calculation".
Click on the drop-down to select what the "Target Goal" is based on ⤵

EXAMPLE: Using the Opportunity Count would mean that the goal would be based on how many Opportunities there are in the Pipeline.

Another Example "Using the Opportunity" value would mean that the goal is based on the total value of the deal in dollars or whatever your base currency is in Pipeliner.

Next set the "Target Period". The Target calculation is calculated based on the Target Period (the closing date of those deals)

Use the buttons to select the range of closing dates that should be included for the Target calculation. Or click on the last button on the right to select a customized date range.

Click on "Save" ⤵

Viewing the Target in the Navigator Menu

In addition, you can also set the Target period, value, and comparison period directly from the Navigator Menu. In order to adjust these settings, please click the arrow at the bottom of the Target, and it will display these options ⤵

Setting "Your Target" or the "Target of your team", allows you to immediately see how close you are to meeting your Target ⤵

The "Trend Chart" displays data over the Target period you selected in the Power Panel "Target" tab. The chart always begins today and extends into the future.  Mouse over the graph to see how your current Target Type compares with the other Target Types that are available. Click on a date in the chart to open up a list of Opportunities with close dates up to that date.

A straight horizontal line indicates that there are no Opportunities with Close Dates in that period to add to your Target values. When the lines jump upwards, it shows that Opportunities have Close Dates at that time and so when the values of those Opportunities will be added to your Target ⤵

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