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All CollectionsUser InterfaceDay to Day Use of Pipeliner
Creating Activities — Tasks and Appointments
Creating Activities — Tasks and Appointments

Pipeliner allows you to create activities in Lead, Contact, Account and Opportunity records to keep track of your tasks and appointments.

Updated over a week ago

The article will cover the following topics:

Before reading this article, it will be helpful to view the following Articles:

Create a New Activity

From the Quick View —  If you already have a Lead or Opportunity in your system, mouse over it from the Pipeline View, now you are viewing the Quick View. From the Quick View select the "Create Activity" button from the toolbar ⤵

There are two choices: "New Task" or "New Appointment".

Create a Meeting

Select "New Appointment" and complete all the fields including the date and time the meeting begins and ends as well as linking this activity to any entity associated with this activity such as the Opportunity, Account, and Contact Records.

Create a Task

From the detail page of the Task click on the Task dropdown and select the type of task such as ”Call”, “Email” or "Task" from the buttons at the top of the screen.  Complete all the fields including the due date of the activity, as well as linking this activity to any entity associated with this activity such as the Opportunity, Account, and Contact Records.  On the right side of the Activity is an option to set a reminder with a specific date and time.  

NOTE: When you have completed a "Task", make sure you go back to it and mark the status as completed.

Activities can be created no matter where you are in Pipeliner.

From the Opportunity

From the Account

From the Contact

From the Lead

From the main New Menu

From the Activities Menu

Activity Scheduling

Wherever you schedule your Activities from, it’s easy to see what else you’ve got already in your Calendar and to dynamically drag Appointments on your Calendar so they fit around your schedule ⤵

Hover over an appointment already on your Calendar to see more details ⤵

Drag&Drop an appointment to a new time or select a different date to view ⤵

Tasks will display at the top of the scheduling preview window ⤵

NOTE: Click on “Today” to quickly jump back to today’s date

Once you’ve confirmed the date and time, easily select from the Activity Types in your system by clicking on the correct type from the buttons at the top of the screen ⤵

NOTE: You can open/close the scheduling preview panel by clicking on the chevron if you need more space on the screen ⤵

Adding notes to an Activity and Completing Tasks

Whenever you’ve made the call or attended the meeting, you will want to add your notes. Open up the Task or Appointment, and type or copy and paste (or even speak, if you’re on the Mobile or have the voice feature enabled on your device) your notes into the "Description" field.

You can use "Rich Text" if it has been enabled by your Administrator so can add bullets or numbered lists or text formatting or even insert an image ⤵

If your Activity is a "Task" — a "Call", for example — you also need to change the Status to “Completed” ⤵

Activities Menu Views

The Activities Menu in Pipeliner gives you options so you can choose how you want to view activities.

Use the Activities menu’s Calendar View to see those activities set on specific dates. Click on any activity in your calendar to view the detail page of that activity ⤵

Use the Activities menu’s Task Board View (available only in Enterprise Tier) to help you quickly view the status of your activities and move the activity to another status and Pipeliner will automatically mark the activity with the new status.

The "List View" gives you a simple grid and, just like in Excel, you can sort on any column header.

Activities in the Navigator

Discover the helpful tool in the Navigator menu, “Notifications”, to keep an eye on how many and which Task activities are overdue, as well as those that are on time based on their due date.   From the Navigator menu, scroll to the middle of the page and on the left side is the Notifications section.  Click the drop-down next to tasks to discover all the upcoming activities as well as those that are overdue (in red). Click on any of the activities will open the detail page of the activity. Clicking inside any of the checkboxes will mark the activity as completed without having to open to the detail page ⤵

Opportunity Fitness

Discover the Fitness level of your Opportunities by changing your Pipeline View. From the Opportunities Menu, select the Power Panel’s "View" tab. Click the checkbox for "Fitness".  Each Card in this view now displays with either a Yellow, Red, or Green vertical line on the left side of each card.  Pipeliner combines the closing date on the Opportunity along with the number of activities and if they are past due to provide a colour-coding of Fitness:

  • Red indicates you have activities or a closing date overdue

  • Yellow indicates you have no upcoming activities

  • Green indicates you have upcoming activities

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