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Understanding Pipeliner's Views

This article gives an overview of each view as well as links to a detailed description of each View and how to use it.

Updated over a week ago

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Pipeliner’s powerful visualisation and ease-of-use extends to giving you multiple Views — different ways of seeing and organising your data which you select depending on your immediate need. Whichever view you choose, you can still actively work with the data, update and edit details and add new linked items such as Activities. This article gives an overview of each view as well as links to a detailed description of each View and how to use it.

Pipeline view

In the Opportunities menu, the Pipeline View shows “What’s in the pipeline and where it’s at” — opportunities organised by sales stage along with many visual cues to help you manage those opportunities effectively. You can also use the Pipeline View in the Archive

Compact View

The Compact View is your choice for “An overview of everything going on with a particular record”. The Compact Views is available for Leads, Opportunities, Accounts, Contacts and in the Archive

List View

The List View works like a spreadsheet and easily lets you sort and see what fields are, and are not, completed. Each individual user can customise the columns in all of their own List Views. Inline Editing allows you to update records directly without needing to open the record. The List View is the one to use when selecting batches of records to bulk update or change ownership. You can access the List View in Leads, Opportunities, Accounts, Contacts, Leads, Activities and the Archive

TIP: Check our "The List View in Detail" Article for more information.

Map View

The Map View allows you to see exactly where your Leads, Opportunities, Accounts and Contacts are located on an interactive world map ⤵

TIP: Check our "How to use the Map View for Accounts, Contacts, Lead and Opportunities" Article for more information.

Bubble Chart View

In the Opportunities menu, the Bubble Chart View shows a multi-dimensional view of opportunities plotted by sales stage, closing date and size. Like other views the Bubble Chart is fully interactive ⤵

Calendar View

The Calendar View is available in the Activities menu and displays Appointments and Tasks with dates within the Date selection of Day, Work Week, Week and Month. The Activity Stream in the right hand panel shows upcoming and overdue Appointments and Tasks

Task Board View

The Task Board View shows Tasks organised by Activity Status. The Activity Stream in the right hand panel shows upcoming and overdue Appointments and Tasks

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