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How to enable and use the Hubspot Integration to Pipeliner
How to enable and use the Hubspot Integration to Pipeliner

Learn how to activate and use the Hubspot integration from the Pipeliner automation hub

Updated over a week ago

This article covers the following topics:


This native integration enables you to create a set of synchronization routines to transfer data to or from Hubspot to Pipeliner (or in both directions). You can specify the criteria (create, update or delete); determine the direction of data transfer; set up match criteria to help avoid duplicates and establish relationships - between, for example, Contacts and Accounts - and map all supported field types from both systems.

PRE-REQUISITES: In order to use this integration, you will need to have a Pipeliner Cloud subscription and a Hubspot account ( This integration is a paid-for add-on for all customers.

How to activate the Hubspot integration in the Pipeliner Automation Hub

The Hubspot integration will first need to be activated for your Pipeliner space. This can only be done by one of your Pipeliner Admins.

Using the “App Switcher” in the top left corner, choose “Administration”. Then, within the Admin Module, click on the "Automation Hub" menu.

Find the “Hubspot” integration ⤵

Click on the Hubspot card and then “Request” to request activation of the integration for your space ⤵

The app will then be approved by one of our team.

Configuration Settings

Once you have clicked on “Request”, you will need to complete the “Configuration Settings” to connect the integration to your Hubspot account. You’ll need to know Hubspot credentials for your organisation. Click on “Authorize Access” ⤵

And then sign in to the Hubspot account ⤵

Depending on how Hubspot logins have been configured, you may be prompted to set up “Two Factor Authentication”. This is always good practice! ⤵

Select your Hubspot account ⤵

And authorize access by clicking on “Connect App” ⤵

Hubspot ID Fields

The first time you save a “Synchronization Routine” for each Entity that you choose to work with, a new custom “Hubspot ID” field will be created — e.g. “Hubspot ID(Contact). Admins can choose to add this field so it is visible on the appropriate Form(s) but need to make sure that it is not able to be updated by end-users. Set it as read-only or use “Field Permissions” to restrict access ⤵

Working with Synchronization Routines


A synchronization routine defines what kind of data you want to integrate between Hubspot and Pipeliner and in which direction(s) you want the data to transfer. You may have multiple, separate routines. Each routine includes settings for matching records to try to avoid duplication, mapping relationships (e.g. between Contacts and their Accounts), owners and sales units, and mapping individual fields (e.g. Hubspot Contact’s email address to Pipeliner Contact’s Primary Email).

When setting up your routines, you need to keep in mind how both systems work best. For example, in Pipeliner, you would generally create an Account first and then, when adding Contacts, you can simply select the Account that the Contact should be linked to. When setting up routines to bring data from Hubspot, you’d replicate this best practice by setting up an Account (Pipeliner) and Company (Hubspot) routine first and then a separate Contact (Pipeliner) and Contact (Hubspot) routine.

Creating Synchronization Routines

Click on the “Create New” button to add your first routine ⤵

The routine will default to “Account ‹› Company” but you can easily change this if you need to ⤵

In the “Entities” section, first, confirm which records you want to use to transfer data between Pipeliner and Hubspot.

Your Pipeliner choices are › “Account”, “Contact”, “Lead” and “Opportunity”. On the Hubspot side, you can work with “Company”, “Contact” and “Deal” ⤵

Next, decide on the direction(s) of travel for your records ⤵

› “Two-way sync” sends data to and from both systems

› “One-way sync” brings data into Pipeliner from Hubspot only

› “One-way sync” send data from Pipeliner to Hubspot only

Depending on the sync direction you choose, for each Entity you select, as well as “Create” you can also choose to “Update” if a match is found between corresponding records in both systems and also to “Delete” records from Pipeliner (for example) if the record is deleted in Hubspot.

Automatic Synchronization” is switched on by default. If you also want to transfer existing records without having to create new records or update or delete existing ones, you can use the “Synchronize” button to manually sync data ⤵

Our example is going to be a uni-directional routine syncing “Hubspot Companies” to “Pipeliner Accounts” ⤵

Setting up matching values to help avoid duplication

Once you’ve confirmed the sync direction, click on the “gear icon” just to the right to set up the fields for the routine to use to try to match up records to avoid duplication ⤵

You can choose a maximum of three fields to be used for matching and can use a case sensitive “exact” match “Aa = Aa“ or a case insensitive “contains” match “Aa ~ Aa”.

The options you choose will very much depend on your knowledge of the data held in both systems ⤵

Re-naming your Routine

It can be useful to rename your routine to make it clear exactly what it is set up to do. Click the pencil to edit and then the tick to apply your changes ⤵

You can also “Rename”, “Copy” or “Delete” the routine from the “gear icon” in the left-hand panel ⤵

The “Relations” section defines what should happen when syncing related records. As we’re creating and updating “Accounts” only in this routine, we’ll ignore this section and look at it in our second example.

Mapping Owners and Sales Units

The next section handles mapping “Owners and Sales Units”. Remember these are mandatory fields in Pipeliner so must be mapped. Your Hubspot and Pipeliner users may not be exactly the same so you can map individual owners (based on name and email address) but also specify a “Fallback” when no match can be found.

Click on the “gear icon” to first set up mappings for “Owner” ⤵

Users with exactly matching email addresses will “auto-map” from one system to the other (though you can also change the mappings). Click on “Add Mapping” to map additional users.

For users that only exist in Hubspot, for example, select the “Fallback” to assign to the correct Pipeliner user (or vice versa, depending on the kind of routine you are working with)

You can map a field from Hubspot to Sales Unit if you have the correct, corresponding values. You’ll also need to select a “Fallback” sales unit in Pipeliner that will be used if there is no match.

NOTE: You can use the “Default Sales Unit” option to map the sales unit to each owner’s default

Mapping Fields

Now you need to map your fields from “Hubspot Companies” to “Pipeliner Accounts(based on our example).

In the “Fields” section, Pipeliner’s system mandatory fields will already be listed ⤵

You must select a mapping for these required fields from the dropdown list ⤵

Also, in case there is a missing value, to prevent failure of the routine, you can select a “Fallback” value using the “gear icon” ⤵

Now carry on mapping the rest of the fields you want to transfer. You can select a “Fallback” for each mapped field ⤵

When mapping fields, you’ll be able to pick from matching field types — for example, if you map the “Industry” field from Hubspot (which is a dropdown field), on the Pipeliner side, the list will show you only dropdown fields — which will, of course, include the “Industries” field! ⤵

You need to be very careful when mapping dropdown fields to ensure that all values are valid. Otherwise, your mapping will be ignored and data may be lost on transfer.

You can build the values in both lists in both systems to exactly match ⤵

Or you can map each value and add a “Fallback” for those values that do not match ⤵

Once you’ve finished your mappings, click “Save” to save your routine ⤵

Not all types of fields are supported for mapping to and from. Supported field types are:

Hubspot Field Type

Maps to

Pipeliner Field Type

string + text

Single line text


Long text


Float number


Base currency




Date and Time

bool + boolean






One-off and Manual Synchronization

As you do, you’ll be prompted if you want to carry out a one-time data sync of your existing data (i.e. without relying on the “Create”, “Update” or “Delete” triggers that you have selected). Select “Synchronize” or choose “Cancel” ⤵

NOTE: Remember you can use the “Synchronize” button on the menu bar to sync data on demand.

It’s worth noting that once you have set up your routine, if you change your mind about how you want it to work, you’ll need to select all mapping options again ⤵

Working with Related Entities

We’re now going to create a Contact sync routine and want to link the synced “Contacts” to “Accounts” in Pipeliner. For this we’ll use the Relations section as well as set all the options we have previously looked at.

The match this time is going to be a case-sensitive exact match on email address. No new Contacts will be created if the routine finds a Contact already in Pipeliner with the exact same email address and existing Contacts will be updated ⤵

Click on “Add Relation” to set up a relationship between the Contacts and the Accounts that they are related to ⤵

Click on the gear icon to set up all the options for these synchronized related Accounts (just as we did in the previous example). Choose the match criteria fields, owner & sales unit, and map individual fields.

In the “Relation Fields” section at the bottom of the “Relation Setup” screen, you’ll see that any synchronized Accounts will be set as the “Primary Account” for each linked “Contact” ⤵

Click on “Save” and then carry on setting up your “Contact Owner” and “Sales Unit” mappings along with the “Field Mappings” ⤵

When you’re finished, click on “Save” and then choose if you want to do a one-time sync ⤵

Viewing Synced Hubspot Data from the Pipeliner Web App

Any contact that has been updated or created using the last routine that we set up will have the new custom field “Hubspot Contact ID” populated with a value. You’ll be able to add this to “Reports” and “List Views” if required ⤵

If you open up a synchronized Contact, you’ll be able to open up the Hubspot widget ⤵

This will enable you to “Open” the option “Show Contact Timeline” ⤵

This gives you a view of what’s been happening in Hubspot for this Contact

You can see the “Hubspot Score” or “Predictive Score(if set up and used in Hubspot), “View in Hubspot” directly if you have a Hubspot login and also Filter different Hubspot Activities to view ⤵

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