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Management Reports — More Report Features
Management Reports — More Report Features

This article covers advanced features within the reports such as reports using multiple entities, grouping, sorting and color coding.

Updated over 2 months ago


Pipeliner offers a comprehensive reporting facility which is easy to work with and uses the same options - e.g. Filters - that you'll see and use elsewhere throughout the application.

Before using some of the more advanced reporting features, please familiarise yourself with the basics of reporting — please read this article.

Helpful Hints

  • Reports are based on the data that your team has already entered into Pipeliner.

  • Reports are dynamic which means that as you change the information in Pipeliner, the report updates with the latest information.

  • Every Pipeliner user can create their own reports or reports to share with others if they have access to Management Reports. However, the only data a person can see in the report is the information they have the rights to see based on how they were set up by the Admin.

This article shows some of the more advanced options that you can choose when creating and editing your reports.

Accessing Reports

Click on the “Analytics” menu ⤵

How to Create a New Standard Report with Multiple Entities

Select the “Create New“ button ⤵

Name the Report (this can be changed later); select "Standard Table" from the Report Type drop-down and choose the entity this report will mostly be focused on ⤵

Click on "Save".

How to ensure you’re seeing all data

Click on "Settings" and the "Role" tab. Make sure all options are ticked to make sure that the report includes all data (not just records that you own)

Click on "Save".

How to Select the Columns for the Report 

The Settings allow you to select the columns you would like to see, even if the fields you would like to select from are contained in another entity type (with some exceptions). For example, although I chose the Account Entity to base the report on, I will still be able to select other fields based on:

  • Aggregation of Leads

  • Aggregation of Opportunities

  • Aggregation of Contacts

  • Aggregation of Products

  • Last Finished Activity

  • Next Scheduled Activity

  • Last Message

  • Last Note

Let’s use a simple example of an Accounts-based report to which we want to add information about Opportunities linked to each Account:

Make sure you’re on the "View" tab. You can simply type the name of the field that you want to add to your Report or you can click the "Choose" button within the Options dialog box on the right. In this case, I want to add Opportunity Value ⤵

If you select "Choose", pick the columns you would like to see in the report by moving them into the Displayed columns section on the right by using the “+” symbol next to the column name ⤵

If there are any columns you do not want to see in the report use the ”X” symbol next to the name of the column in the list in the "View" tab or in the Displayed columns section ⤵

Adding additional entities to your report

Additionally, there are two main options that you can choose between when adding additional relationships to your core reports:

  • Reporting on Aggregated Data for the related record type (entity) — Aggregation gives you totals of numeric/currency fields only

  • Reporting on All Data for the related record type (entity) — All gives you all data you select for the related records

In order to choose between "Aggregated Data" and "All Data", click on the gear symbol next to the added related entity type. In this case, I can change how the Opportunity Value is reported ⤵

After clicking the "Gear" symbol, you will be able to choose how you would like the related entity data fields reported ⤵

Reporting on Emails

You can create a report based on Emails regardless of which entity they are linked to. This gives you the option to produce reports to analyse how many emails sent to or received by each user.

Click "Create New" then choose "Report" and select Email as the record type. Choose Standard or Pivot and then click on "Create" to create your report ⤵

Remember that whenever you have created a new report from "Create New>Report", you first have to enable all the options under the Role tab ⤵

Select your columns, grouping etc as normal until you have the report you need ⤵

For spreadsheet reports, you can also add available related entities to your Email report ⤵

Choose from:

  • Lead

  • Opportunity

  • Account

  • Contact

  • Project

  • Quote

  • Custom Entities

⚠️It is highly recommended for spaces with a lot of email communication to use filter settings to reduce loading time.

Working with currency fields in Reports

When currency fields are included in reports - for example, by selecting “Opportunity Value” - all currency fields will be displayed (and exported) ⤵

For our example in the report above using Opportunity Value, the following columns will be automatically included in the report when you add the Opportunity Value field:

Opportunity value - the value of the Opportunity converted to the selected system Base Currency amount

Opportunity value - Currency - displays the currency symbol used in the Opportunity

Opportunity value - Currency Code - displays the three letter currency code for the currency used in the Opportunity

Opportunity value - Foreign value - the value entered in the “foreign” (i.e. non-Base) currency

Opportunity value - Base value - the value of the Opportunity converted to the Base Currency based on the prevailing Exchange Rate

Here’s an example of an Opportunity using a “foreign” currency ⤵

All these multi currency values will also be exported using the “Export” button within the main menus.

Working with Report Values

Summary Values

You can summarise related data “on the fly” by creating a Summary Value field directly within a report rather than needing an Admin to create a Rollup field and place it on the Form for every record.

A Summary Value field could be used to sum all open Opportunities for an Account (as shown below) or count the number of activities linked to Won Opportunities.

Create a Summary Value field by clicking on the Report Values section under the View tab in Settings and then click on "Create" ⤵

Enter the name for your Summary Value and select the type of record to summarize ⤵

Click on the Filter icon to enable filtering to limit the summarized records, enter your condition(s) and click on "Save" to apply ⤵

Next select the function you want to apply to the summary and click on "Create" to add your new Summary Value ⤵

NOTE: Summary Value fields use the same functions as Rollup fields which are described in more detail in this article.

Click on the Table section to add your Summary Value to your report as a column ⤵

NOTE: you can move your Summary Value just like any other field to reorder your report columns.

Don't forget you can use colors to highlight your Summary Value! ⤵

How to reorder the Columns in a Report 

The easiest way to reorder where the columns reside in the report is to click and drag them while in the report (alternatively you could use the up and down triangles while choosing the columns):

Quick Alphanumeric Sorting 

To sort the column’s data in alphabetical or numerical order, or reverse alphabetical or numerical order, click the title of the column. In this Example, I will sort by the Status.  

NOTE: This will override the sorting that was requested previously i.e. Sort by Account Name.

Modifying the Report in Detail

Click on "Settings" to modify your report.

Grouping and Sorting

Use the Settings button, scroll down to the "Group By" section. In our example below, I’d like to see the Accounts grouped by the owner. Within each grouping, I’d like to sort the list by the "Account Created Date".

To eliminate a selection, mouse over it and click the "X" sign ⤵

Use the drop-down lists to make your selections ⤵

Freezing Panes

To ensure while you move around your report that you can always keep sight of the row or column heading that you are in, use the Freeze Panes tool.

In the Power Panel’s View tab, scroll down and select the drop-down next to Freeze Panes.

In this example we will select "First row and column" ⤵

Now scrolling to the right allows me to view the information in the report without losing sight of the titles of the rows.

In order to see all the columns use the scroll bar at the bottom of the screen (or follow the above directions on Freezing Panes).

Color Coding Columns and Conditional Formatting

You can use colour-coding to highlight important columns within your report. Highlight a column and click on the "Pen" symbol on the far right and select a fill colour ⤵

or choose Conditional Formatting to color code each cell depending on how its value compares to the rule(s) you set up. The example below fills the Opportunity Value field with a different colour depending on how large the value is ⤵

You can color code a field based on a value in another field or Report Value by selecting the different field from the dropdown ⤵

NOTE: if you set up multiple rules set, their relative order is important as only the first satisfied rule will be applied, from top to bottom.

Analyzing Your Report

Pipeliner’s data and report presentation provides easy access to the type of information you are seeking. 

In the example shown below, the report shows Opportunities grouped by their Owner (salesperson)

Within each owner’s section is the Name of the Opportunities they have, the expected closing dates, the Status (such as Open, Lost or if they have been Won already), and how many activities are related to it that are In Progress, Completed, Overdue, or Not Started yet.

Grand Total

If you have included numbers or currency values within your report, the Grand Total section will show you:

  1. A sum of the Total Value of deals (Opportunities) that are Open, Lost or Won and an average value for all Opportunities included in the report.

  2. A sum of the Total Number of Activities (by status i.e. completed, in progress, or not started) for each Opportunity as well as an average for each.

You can switch off the Grand Totals as well as change the position from bottom to top.

In Totals options, choose whether or not to "Show Sum", "Show Average", "Show Min", "Show Max" and, for Opportunities and Leads, "Show Status" ⤵

Grouped Sections

As well as the Grand Total, if you’ve included Grouping within your report, each section will show you:

  1. the Total numbers of activities by the status that the salesperson has with each of their Opportunities (as well as the average number per Opportunity).

  2. Total Number of deals of each Status (Opportunities that are Open, Lost or Won for each Owner — Sales Person).

  3. A sum of the Total Value of deals (Opportunities) that for each Owner and an average value for the Opportunities included in that group.

Use the Scroll bar at the bottom of the page to see more columns. To ensure you know exactly what columns and row titles you are looking at, use the Freeze Panes tool explained above ⤵

Dynamic Click Through to the Data

Click on any line in your report to click right through to the detail page of the primary entity ⤵

This interactive way to utilize a Pipeliner report will always keep you close to any of the details you’d like to see ⤵

From the detail page of the Opportunity, I’d like to see what those activities were that were in the report. Click on the "Activities Menu" ⤵

Click on any one of the "Activity" line items to drill down even more.

Changing Ownership of your Report

If you create a report on behalf of a colleague, Ownership of the report (and any scheduling options associated with it) can be reassigned using the Ownership button. The new owner will then have the rights to modify the report directly as required.

Sharing Your Report

Once you create a Report, no one else can see it - or change it - unless you share it with them.  

Sharing a report with other sales managers can be helpful when having a meeting with them or the executive members of your company.

Sharing a report with one of the members of your sales team can be helpful when having a one-on-one meeting with them. Filtering this report so that it is only data related to the one Person and the things that they are the owner of, would be helpful in this situation. 

To share a report, click the "Settings" button in the upper right of the Report. Select the drop-down next to private and select the "Custom" to share it with specific Pipeliner users on your team, or Public to share the Report with all Pipeliner users.

Add Users or Sales Units as "Additional Editors" to give colleagues the right to modify the report (but not change Ownership or Delete) or as "Additional Watchers" to give read-only rights to see the report ⤵

How to export your Report

Click on the "Export" button to export your report data ⤵

You’re generally going to want your full report output to Excel as shown below ⤵

Your report will show in the Downloads area in your browser and you can click to open it from there ⤵

NOTE: You will need to have been granted Export or Print rights by your Administrator.  If your role does not support Exporting, this will not work for you.

Information for Admins on Print and Export User Role Permissions

When Export, or Print, permissions are disabled for a User Role the Admin Module, users based on that role will not be able to schedule or send a report from the Reports menu

  • If Printing is disabled, users based on the role will be unable to Send/Schedule an email with the report as a PDF or HTML attachment

  • If Exporting is disabled, users based on the role will be unable to Send/Schedule email with the report as an XLSX or CSV attachment

  • If Export & Print are both disabled, Send/Schedule buttons will be not visible to users based on the role

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