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All CollectionsKey Account Management
The Account Matrix View in Detail
The Account Matrix View in Detail

This view is invaluable for Account Management allowing you to visualise key metrics to help you build and maintain effective relationships

Updated over 2 years ago

This article will cover the following topics:

We’re now extending the power of visualisation to Account Management in Pipeliner. The first step is the Accounts Matrix View.

Users can select their own criteria to segment their Accounts into different views depending on their use case. Some scenarios might include:

  • Customer Success users choosing to display Accounts based on their total Won Opportunity value and the number of Days or Months until renewal so they know where to focus & plan their next actions

  • The Sales team might want to prepare their Account Plans based on Account Class & Annual Won revenue

  • Account Managers might want to see how many days have passed from the Last Contacted Date by Account Class to prioritise their calling plans ⤵

Accessing the Matrix View

From the Accounts menu, select Matrix View from the Views dropdown ⤵

The Matrix View will display the segmented grid with bubbles for all Accounts that are included in the profile that you have selected ⤵

NOTE: The maximum number of Accounts that can be displayed is 5000. If your profile (for example, the All Users profile) includes more than 5000 records, you’ll be notified on-screen and can click through to add filter options to reduce the number of Accounts to less than 5000 using the “Update Filter” link

Selecting Options for the Matrix View

Click on the Gear icon to open up the Power Panel and you will be able to change the display options from the “View” tab ⤵

The default settings are Account Created Date for the X-axis and Won Value (total value of each Account’s Won Opportunities) for the Y-axis.

You can choose from both system and user-defined dropdown, number, currency or date type fields to select the X and Y axis definitions.

If a Date field is selected, you can then select from “Months from Today” or “Days from Today” in the “Display Date As” field and choose the range you want to apply. Select the minimum and maximum values to include in the range. The default values in the Range Min. and Range Max. fields show you the entire range you can choose from ⤵

Number and Currency fields also have a Range Min. and Range Max. field and, by default, will also show you the minimum and maximum numbers you can choose from.

If you choose a Dropdown field, you can then choose which of the dropdown values you want to include from the “Options” field. You can “Select All” or “Clear Selected” to remove the values you’ve already chosen. Tick each value that you want to include as options ⤵

Scrolling down you’ll get to Matrix View Settings.

In “Display Bubble As”, you can select from “Account(which will display the company logo if it’s associated with the Account record), “Account Class(which will display as one of 0, A, B, C or D) and “Owner(which will show the User’s picture if they have added it)

You can also uncheck “Show Segmentation Grid” to remove the quarter grid lines and “Show Account Names” to remove the Account names from the display ⤵

Finally, click on “Swap Axis” to swap over the X and Y axes ⤵

Saving your Matrix View as a new profile

You can save your selections by clicking on the "Save" button or, as a new "Custom Profile" by clicking on the gear icon and selecting "Save As" ⤵

And giving your profile a "New Name" ⤵

This will save your selections so you can easily access the same view again from your list of profiles ⤵

Previewing an Individual Account

With the Power Panel closed, click on any bubble to open up the sidebar Preview screen. Scroll down to get an overview of what’s going on with the Account. You can even plan your next follow up directly by clicking on the “Add” button and choosing “New Task”. Click on “Open” to open up the Account ⤵

Click anywhere else on the grid to remove the sidebar Preview screen.

Drilling down to a set of data

You can drill down to a "List View" of all the Accounts shown in your Matrix by clicking on the “x records” link in the top right corner of the view ⤵

"Select All" to get access to the mass action buttons including “Create Email” and “Automatizer” ⤵

Or click on a single row from the grid to open up the sidebar Preview for that Account ⤵

Sometimes there may be a set of Accounts that all fall in the same place on the grid so, instead of each individual Account, you’ll see a bubble with a number that represents the number of Accounts at that spot on the grid ⤵

Click on the numbered bubble to drill down to see the records themselves ⤵

Some Use Case Examples

Customer Success users choosing to display their Accounts based on their total Won Opportunity value and the number of Days or Months until renewal so they know where to focus & plan their next actions

First, I’m using the My Accounts profile to only show me those Accounts that I’m responsible for. Then, I’ve chosen the X-Axis field as “Renewal Date (a custom field in this Pipeliner system) and I’m interested only in Accounts renewing within the next 90 days as it’s those I want to focus on. So the Range Min. is "0" (today) and the Range Max. is "90" (90 days from today).

My Y-Axis is based on “Won Value (total sum of Won Opportunities per Account). If I was only interested in my most valuable upcoming renewals, I could exclude Accounts with a value below a certain amount by adjusting the Range Min. value but in this case, I want to see them all.

I’m using “Account” in the “Display Bubble As” so I can see the logos and I’ve left the Segmentation Grid on as it helps me to prioritise by seeing the Accounts placed in the different quadrants.

Based on this view, I can immediately see that Bayer is not the most valuable renewal but is the closest and, after 30 days, my top priority definitely needs to be Altenwerth as they’re my largest account of all, then Reilly and finally Purdy Group.

This is the sort of view I’m going to return to many times so I’ll want to save this as a custom profile so I can select it again easily ⤵

I’m also going to use the sidebar "Preview" to check I have my next Activity planned (and schedule it, if not!)

The Sales team might want to prepare their Account Plans based on Account Class & Won revenue ⤵

This time I’m going to select Account Class as my X-axis and in “Options” I only want those that have an Account Class so I’m going to include only values A–D and not "0" (unclassified).

I’m going to choose Account Class in “Display Bubble As” so I can check that all my Accounts are assigned correctly ⤵

I can see straight away that Altenwerth and Reilly LLC as well as Ulrich are wrongly classified. Luckily I can select each bubble and quickly preview and open the Account to update the "Account Class" ⤵

NOTE: You can double click on a bubble to immediately open the Account.

Once I’ve sorted out the classifications, I can select multiple bubbles (in this case, just the As) by using CTRL-click on each one. I then get access to the mass action buttons on the toolbar and could, for example, run an Automatizer process to schedule tasks and reminders based on an "Account Planning" process set up by my Admins ⤵

Account Managers might want to see how many days have passed from the "Last Contacted Date" by "Account Class" to prioritise their contact plans

I’m still using “Account Class” in “Display Bubble As” but this time, I’ve swapped the axes so that the X-axis is “Account Last Contacted Date” and my Y-axis is “Account Class” ⤵

Spotting those 2 A class customers with a "Last Contacted Date" of around 90 days ago is all the prompt I need to select them both (using CTRL-click) and use the "Create Email" button to access an email template to send them to try to set up a meeting!

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