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Adding Users

This article explains how to invite a new user to Pipeliner with the role and unit selections you have made. Also learn key terminology.

Updated over a week ago

This article will cover the following topics:

👋 Inviting a user

First things first — in order to add a new user, you have to have a license available. You can add licenses to your subscription at any time as your company grows or easily release a license when a former user leaves by deactivating them.

Next, click the "Invite" button to add your user. Type in their email address, select their role and assign them to the right unit(s).

Clicking on Invite sends them a server generated email and they simply follow the link in the email to login. That’s all there is to it!

NOTE: When a User accepts the Invite, the system will register a User Created Date. This will include the date and time the User was added into Pipeliner. This is accessible in the Users section of the Admin Module. 

🔑 Key Terminology

📩 Email Address - user login

Must be a valid email address as the user will receive an initial invitation email and a password link to set (or, subsequently, reset) their password.

🧘🏻User role

Select from one of the available roles with its associated security and access rights.

💵 Sales Unit

Assign the user to one or more of your sales units depending on what they need access to.

👉 Member/Manager

For each sales unit that the user is assigned to, choose the level of access they should have. Member represents standard user access whereas Manager is an enhanced level of rights which can, depending on the user’s role settings, allow them additional editing rights. Within the App, they also see additional information in the Insights menu.

💰 Default Sales Unit

All records (Accounts, Opportunities etc.) will belong to the user’s default sales unit. If a user is assigned to more than one unit, they’ll be able to change the unit of the record if necessary. If they’re only assigned to a single unit, they never need to think about it!

😱 My new user can’t find their invite, how do they log in?

Sometimes the invitation email can get eaten by Spam filters. Not to worry! Your user can just launch or go to and use the "Login" button:

However they get there, the first time, they’ll need to set their password (this will then apply across all Pipeliner sites).

🛑 A user has left the company, what do I do?

Just deactivate them to instantly remove their access and follow the steps in this article.

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