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Changing Ownership and managing users who leave your company
Changing Ownership and managing users who leave your company

This article shows how to change record ownership including related records and then how to deactivate or reassign a user.

Updated over a week ago

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It’s very important to keep Owners of records up-to-date if a team member leaves your company, or if you realign sales territories, or if user responsibilities change. The Owner of a record should always reflect a current, active Pipeliner user who is most responsible for managing the record.

Who can change ownership of a record?

The Owner of a record can reassign the record to another Pipeliner user by using the “Change” button within one of their records. ⤵

Changes of ownership can also be performed in bulk using the “Ownership” button along with the List View. ⤵

Users must be granted “Manager” rights by an Administrator for any Sales Unit in which the user will be taking or reassigning ownership of non-owned records. This rule applies to Administrators as well. ⤵

Manager rights will then be in effect in addition to any other “Write Access” privileges granted to the user based upon their Role.

In the screenshot below, you will see an example of what a user with Manager rights will see when opening a record. Both the Owner of the record and the user with Manager rights will have the ability to change ownership of the record. ⤵

Member” level users, on the other hand, will not be able to take ownership of any record that does not belong to them. In the screenshot below, you will see that there is no “Change” button next to the current Owner’s name. ⤵

NOTE: Member restrictions remain in place even if the user’s role grants them “Write Access” to update records, including if they are overtly added as an Editor for a record.

For more information on setting up User Roles and giving Manager rights to individual users, please read this article.

How to update Ownership

Typically, you will first filter records where a change of ownership is required. You can select any criteria to build your filter, although it’s most common to filter by Owner and Sales Unit, as ownership is most often changed when one user is leaving the company and their records need to be reassigned to another user. See this article for full details on Filters.

Once your filter has been built, double-check the number of records included within the results. This will ensure that your filter criteria is accurate prior to proceeding to the next step.

Next, from within the List View, tick the checkbox in the very top-left corner of the screen to select all of your filtered records. ⤵

You will then click the “Ownership” button, which will only appear once you have selected at least one record from the list. ⤵

In the resulting overlay, select the desired Sales Unit and new Owner from the dropdown lists and (optionally) tick the “Transfer linked records to the new Owner” checkbox if you also want to simultaneously transfer related records to the new Owner. A "Change Ownership" block will then appear, allowing you to preview the linked record types that will have their ownership updated. ⤵

When changing ownership of Accounts, you will have access to the greatest number of options for simultaneously transferring linked records to a new Owner, whereas when updating ownership for Contacts, Leads, or Opportunities, a more limited number of options will be available

NOTE: If you just want to update the Owner of a set of records without updating the Sales Unit, or if you want to update the Sales Unit and not the Owner, you can alternately use Pipeliner’s Bulk Update feature. This feature, however, will not provide the option to simultaneously transfer related linked records.

How to manage users who leave your company (Deactivating a user)

When a user leaves your company, you will want to immediately restrict their access to Pipeliner. Their license can then be available for any new user that you may want to add in the future.

First, make certain that you’ve already made any necessary ownership updates for all relevant records within the Pipeliner CRM application, as outlined earlier in this article.

Next, enter the Admin Module by clicking “Administration” from the App Switcher in the top-left corner of your Pipeliner screen. ⤵

NOTE: Only Admin users will see the “Administration” option in the menu

Navigate to the “Units, Users & Roles” in the menu, select the "Users" tab, and then select the individual who will be deactivated. You will then select the "Deactivate" button at the top of the list, or you can select the “Deactivate” option that appears after clicking the dropdown arrow on the far-right side of the related row. ⤵

NOTE: if you have more than one Pipeliner space - a Sandbox, for example - you will need to make sure that the user is deactivated in all spaces in order to free up their license.

You can also reactivate a user at any time by clicking their name in the Users list. An “Activate” button will subsequently appear at the top of the list. ⤵

You can also reactivate a user by clicking the green checkmark icon at the end of the corresponding row. ⤵

Prior Sales Unit and Member/Manager settings from when the user was previously active will remain intact, but you will want to verify the settings prior to clicking the “Save” button. ⤵

When a user is otherwise deactivated, they will no longer be able to access Pipeliner and their license can then be assigned to a new user.

Even if you overlooked reassigning a deactivated user’s owned records prior to deactivation, Pipeliner will still allow you to select the deactivated user within the related Filter by toggling the “Show Inactive Users” switch. ⤵

Manage User Data (Reports, Profiles, Views and Templates)

When a user has been deactivated, there may still be various reports, profiles, views, or templates that they created and shared while active. To address those remnants, click the name of the deactivated user and then click the “Manage User Data” button at the top of the list. ⤵

You can then select which records need to be unshared, deleted, or reassigned. ⤵

Set records share mode to Private - this “undoes” any sharing that the inactive user may have enabled, but it does not delete the related reports, profiles, views, or templates.

Delete records - this will delete all selected entities owned by the inactive user.

Change ownership - this option allows you to select a new owner for all select entities currently owned by the inactive user.

Once you’ve selected your options, click the “Save” button to apply the updates. ⤵

Reassigning a User

There may be instances when you accidentally add a user with an incorrect email address, or perhaps you thought the user would be using Pipeliner, but then their job role changed. In these instances, where the user won’t have owned any records within Pipeliner, you can simply use the "Reassign" option to turn over all of the former user’s records to a new user. ⤵

You will then be prompted to input the email address of the new user and click the “Save” button. ⤵

NOTE: You will not be able to reassign a user’s license to an email address that already exists in your Pipeliner space, even if the email address belongs to a user who is currently inactive.

The new user will then receive an email similar to the following with a link for them to access Pipeliner. ⤵

NOTE: Any data in Pipeliner belonging to the former user will now belong in its entirety to the new user. This will include all Accounts, Contacts, Leads, Opportunities and Activities, including historic Won and Lost Opportunities, as well as previously completed Activities — just as if the former user never existed! It is for this reason that you may instead prefer to reassign ownership of active records to a new user and then deactivate the former user afterwards, especially if the former user was actively using Pipeliner for quite some time.

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