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Opportunities in the Mobile App

How to create and edit Opportunities, move opportunities in the sales process, handle winning and losing opportunities on the Mobile App.

Updated over a week ago

This article will cover the following topics:

Creating a New Opportunity

Read this article to understand the difference between a Lead and an Opportunity and other Pipeliner terminology.

Watch this video on How to Create a New Opportunity

From the menu select “Opportunity” ⤵

Touch In the lower right on "Create New +”. Select “Opportunity” ⤵

Complete all Form fields. Required fields have an asterisk “*”.

NOTE: Select the “Show all Fields” button see all possible fields.

Link this Opportunity to Account Records and Contact Records

Select the “Add Accounts” button to ensure that you link this Opportunity to the potential or current Company related to this Opportunity. In the search field, start typing in the name of the company to see if it is already in your Pipeliner system.

This will bring up those Account records in alphabetical order.
Then select the one you want.

Select “Done”.

If the Account record is not already in the system, select the “+” in the lower right to create it. Press “Save” after completing the fields ⤵

Select the “Add Contacts” button to ensure that you link this lead to the Person (Contact) that you will be speaking with regarding this Opportunity. In the search field, start typing in the name of the contact to see if it is already in your Pipeliner system. This will bring up those Contact records in alphabetical order. Then select the one you want. Select “Done”. If the Contact record is not already in the system, select the “+” in the lower right to create it. Press “Save” after completing the fields ⤵

Remember to complete the fields in the Opportunity record.
Required fields have an asterisk “*”. Select “Save”.

NOTE: Select the “Show all Fields” button to see all possible fields.

Modifying an Opportunity

From the menu select “Opportunity”. If there are many Opportunities in the system, use the Search Tool to help you locate the Opportunity. In the search field, start typing in the name of the Opportunity to see if it is already in your Pipeliner system. This will bring up those Opportunity records in alphabetical order. Then select the one you want ⤵

Press on any field or pencil that appears in the upper right of the fields you wish to modify. Type in what you want or make your selections and “Save” ⤵

Opportunity Menus

If you’re using multiple pipelines, you will see several tabs horizontally across the top of the Opportunity menu area. They will be the different Pipelines that you have. Select the Pipeline you’d like to work in ⤵

Now Select the Opportunity you want to work with.

Use the Search Tool toward the top of the page to help narrow down and find the Opportunity,

After pressing on the Opportunity you want to work with you will find Tabs across the top.

Pressing each of the tabs will provide additional information about the Opportunity, modify any of the fields and select “Save”:

  • The "Detail" Tab — provides all the detail of information you entered which can be modified.

  • The "Activities" Tab — provides all the activities related to this Opportunity. Here you can create or modify activities.

  • The "Feeds" Tab — will provide the messages entered by you or your team in reference to this Opportunity.

  • The "Documents" Tab — provides the ability for you to attach documents or view documents that have already been attached.

  • The "Notes" Tab — provides the ability to create separate notes about this Opportunity.

Moving an Opportunity

Move an Opportunity to the next step of the sales process by selecting the “Move Opportunity” button within the Opportunity from the Overview Tab.

NOTE: You may need to swipe up to see this ⤵

Winning an Opportunity

If an Opportunity has been Won in Pipeliner, you can mark it as Won by selecting the ellipse which looks like three small dots in the upper right of the Opportunity and select “Win”. Fill in all the field information included the value of the deal and “Save” ⤵

Losing an Opportunity 

If an Opportunity has been lost in Pipeliner, it must be archived. While in the Opportunity (any of the Tabs: Overview, Detail, Activities etc…) archive the Opportunity by selecting the respective icon in the upper right of the Opportunity and select “Archive”. You’ll need to select a “Lost Reason” and can add additional information in the Lost Reason description ⤵

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