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Mobile — Contacting Help & Support

The Pipeliner Mobile App has a variety of resources to help you get support and assistance for any problems or questions you encounter.

Updated over a week ago

Before reading, please watch our Pipeliner Mobile Onboarding Playlist.

When navigating through the app, you can find "Help & Support" as one of the main menu items located in the bottom left corner. Here is where you can find all the tools and resources necessary to get assistance with just about anything! ⤵

Getting Started With Pipeliner CRM

If you are just joining Pipeliner, this is the place where you can learn in a few short minutes what we are all about! This video gives you a complete overview of many different features you can utilize while navigating through the App. Learn how to sync data with your desktop app, create new records, view performance data, and make use of Pipeliner from your mobile phone. Even if you have had the app for a long time, you might learn something new just by watching this video ⤵

Support Center

The Support Center acts as the knowledge base for all articles (like this one) and everything you need to know about using Pipeliner. We have an entire section dedicated to using the Mobile App, so you can troubleshoot your problems, and maybe learn some new tidbits along the way. If you are ever having any difficulties, please visit our Knowledge base, as we may have an article that is dedicated to your question. Once in our help center, please scroll all the way to the bottom where you can find our "Mobile Apps" section ⤵

NOTE: If you can’t find an article to help you, please use the orange chat symbol to shoot us a note via our Chat.

Contact Support

Contacting Support sends a message to our ticketing system so we can help resolve your issue. If you are not able to figure something out, feel free to let us know so we can help solve your situation and improve your knowledge of Pipeliner. The Knowledge base should always be the first place to go as many times you can solve the situation yourself. Usually, all it takes is a simple search using keywords. If you do submit a ticket, here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Please make the ticket as detailed as possible so we can resolve the problem as soon as possible. The more information you give, the quicker we can get back to you and the less back and forth we will have. Include screenshots, background information, error messages, where you were working, and what you are trying to accomplish.

  • Give us at least a few hours to get back to you. We will do our best to give you the most thorough resolution to your issues, as we are working hard around the clock for our users. We want you to make the most out of using Pipeliner and have the best experience possible. Sometimes it can take a lot of testing on our end and we may have a backed up queue ⤵ 

Report Problem

Reporting a problem indicates you have discovered a bug or something that is not working properly. In order for us to troubleshoot the bug or issue, here is where you would submit what is going on. A problem can be anything from a button not functioning as it should, your App freezing, to a typo somewhere in the App. Please feel free to use this forum anytime you discover a function that is out of place. This is greatly appreciated not only for your sake, but for the sake of everyone who takes pride in using Pipeliner CRM on a daily basis. You are helping other people by notifying us of any problem you discover ⤵ 


Here at Pipeliner, there is nothing more that we value than the feedback of our users. We are always striving to improve our product and our users are the people that make us better. Please feel free to share your thoughts, ideas, and feature requests with us — so you can help us help you! The user experience is the most important part of our product, so if there is anything you would like to see, this is where you are going to submit it. Once you submit a new idea, it will be added to the queue where it will be completed, answered, or not planned. Additionally, you can comment and vote on other ideas ⤵

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