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Working with Online Forms
Working with Online Forms

Online Forms lets you create, edit and share web forms/surveys & is fully integrated with your Pipeliner CRM data

Updated this week

This article is intended for Pipeliner Admins and Power Users with a good knowledge of working with Pipeliner features such as Mass Emails and Automatizer.


Our Online Forms feature lets you create, edit and share web forms/surveys. It's fully integrated with Pipeliner CRM so that you can quickly access and work with your records.

You’ll be able use this feature to:

  • Create, edit and manage Online Forms

  • Customize the appearance of the Online Forms

  • Share or send personalized and pre-filled Forms links

  • Generate code to allow your web team to embed Online Forms into web pages

  • Protect the Online Forms on your website by using reCAPTCHA to prevent attacks from bots, abuse, etc.

  • Create or update records in CRM based the form data submitted

  • Trigger Automatizer processes from form submissions

  • Track and analyze Form responses

Use Cases

To give you some ideas of how to use this new feature in your own business, we’ve created some simple guidelines for working with the following scenarios:

  • Capture leads from the website by embedding a Form on a website

  • Get feedback from customers on services or products by sending the Online Form as a Survey

  • Update missing/target data in CRM automatically when customers submit data through Online Forms

The Online Form Manager

Access the Online Form Manager by clicking on the Tools menu and then selecting Online Forms ⤵

You’ll see a list of all Online Forms regardless of which user created the form ⤵

NOTE: by default, and depending on their User Role, users will only be able to edit Forms that they created.

Click on the “Filter” button in the top right to filter Forms by Owner, Primary Record Type or Status or click into the Search box to use a full-text search or by a Filter ⤵

Form Properties

If you click on a Form to select it, a sidebar will open that contains information about the selected Form ⤵

The Details tab shows basic information about the Form - including Name and Description - as well as simple Form Statistics.

NOTE: to see full statistics about the Form responses, click on the “Show Statistics in CRM” link.

The Responses tab chronologically displays all responses submitted by responders.

The Activity Log tab shows a log about every response that was created

Actions within the Sidebar

From within the sidebar, users can access the following actions:


Edit the selected Form if you’re the Online Form Owner or an Online Form Admin (as set in User Roles)


Add or update the Form name and/or description as well as the Online Form Owner

Get Link

Each form has a public link that can be shared with other users/customers. Make sure that the Form has been activated prior to sharing a link or the recipient will not be able to respond to the Form ⤵

There are three types of links:

  • Link - standard URL to the form, an opened form will be empty and the responder will need to fill in all the fields/questions

  • Pre-filled link - the URL will contain query params that will pre-fill the specific “answers”. This is dependent on the field/question pre-fill setting in the Form Editor.

  • Personalized link - the URL will contain query params that will pre-fill the specific “answers” based on a selected record (e.g. pre-fill the First Name, Last Name and Email Address based on a selected Contact record). This is dependent on the field/question pre-fill setting in the Editor.

Get Embed Code

The generated Embed Code allows your web developers to embed the created Form to any web page ⤵

The Form can be embedded as

  • Javascript - this is the best way to embed a Form as the Form will be a part of the page (CSS style will be inherited)

    • The embedded form can be also pre-filled with custom values in the same way as a Pre-filled link

    • You don't need a web developer to create a standalone page with our embedded online form. Switch on the option to “Enable auto pre-fill with Javascript” to set the embedded form to use URL parameters from the main page (or parent page). We’ve included a simple javascript code that will parse those parameters and use them for pre-filling the form. Click here for more help.

    • To allow form submissions, your Pipeliner Admin should set up the reCaptcha setting

    • These keys can be acquired from the Google Admin Console. You’ll need to have a Google Enterprise account

    • The link to Google reCaptcha is set by Google as a static Google URL ⤵

  • Iframe - this is the simplest Embed option but has limitations ⤵

Protecting your Online Form using reCAPTCHA

This article has more detail of how to generate the keys needed to protect your Online Form when you add it to your website using Javascript.

NOTE: when you are setting up reCAPTCHA for a new domain, it can take between 5-15 minutes to propagate to your online form so please be aware of this before testing. This short lag is on the Google side so cannot be affected by your set up.

Print Responses

Creates and downloads a PDF file of all the individual responses submitted by recipients of the Form ⤵


Export all responses received from recipients of the selected Form to Excel or csv ⤵


Creates a copy of the selected Form which can then be edited by the Online Form Owner or an Online Form Admin (as set in User Roles)


Delete the selected Form if you’re the Online Form Owner or an Online Form Admin (as set in User Roles)


Only active Forms can record responses, so when an Online Form is ready to use, the Owner needs to activate the Form (and wait for responses!). Any inactive form is still live, but it cannot store the responses and any recipients trying to submit a response will see only a static page ⤵

These actions - except Edit - can also be accessed from the toolbar buttons within the Form Manager and the “Create New” option is also available from the toolbar ⤵

Creating a new Online Form

Click on the “Create New” button to add a new Online Form ⤵

Fill in the Online Form Name and a Description. Select a Primary record type from the dropdown (choose from Account, Contact, Lead or Opportunity). By default, you’ll be the Online Form Owner but you can change that to a different User if required.

Click on “Create” to open up the Online Form Editor.

Working with the Online Form Editor

When you create a new Online Form, or Edit an existing one, the Online Form Editor will open to allow you to edit and customize the Form ⤵

Structure of an Online Form

Every Form includes the following sections:

  • Header Image

  • Header

  • Fields and Containers

  • Footer

  • and can also include Sections which can be used to enable a multi-page form or simply to organise Fields

Choosing a Header Image and Color Scheme

You can add images to the Form. Clicking on the image area “Click to edit theme settings” will open up a sidebar ⤵

Choose an image to use on your Form. The image file type needs to be one of .png, .jfif, .pjpeg, .jpeg, .pjp, .jpg, .gif. Resize your image to fit within the boundaries and then “Apply” ⤵

Click on “Preview” to see the results of your choices ⤵

Leave the tick in “Show color ribbon” to display a top border above your image in your chosen color.

Leave the tick in “Show question numbers” to display incremental numbers for each field added or uncheck it to remove the numbers.

Click on “Color Schemes” to choose one of the pre-defined color schemes to use for the border and background.

Rather than use pre-defined style, you can click on “Customise Style” to choose your own colors for the Submit button, backgrounds, fonts, borders etc ⤵

Adding a Header

Click into the “Header” section to add a Form Title and Description as well as decide if the Header should be visible or not (this might be useful when the form is embedded). If your Form includes Sections and has been set to the multi page display, the form header can be set to be visible on the first page or on all pages of the form ⤵

NOTE: you can use Rich Text formatting as well as add Personalization markers to insert data from selected Pipeliner records into your Form

Using Sections on your Form

Add sections to your forms to divide the content / fields into groups ⤵

You can also use sections to change how the form is displayed - it can be kept as a single page or changed to span multiple pages with each section being on a new page.

  • Add Sections by dragging and dropping from the form sidebar

  • The Section element is customizable when placed on a form

  • Sections can be moved around the form on their own or together with fields placed under them

  • Customise the Title and Description.

  • Visibility - defines whether this section element (divider) is shown on the form allowing for more customization - e.g. you want to have the form divided into multiple pages but do not want to have some section elements visible on the form

Section settings

  • Each section element has different options based on several factors, such as how many sections are on the form, which section’s settings you opened, whether the section is empty or not, etc.

  • In general, you can:

    • move the entire section including its fields above or below the next section

    • merge the section’s fields with the fields of the section above (or in other words - remove only this one section element)

    • remove the section element from the form together with its fields

    • The first section element has also the option to delete all sections from the form with a single click

If you have added Sections to your form, click on the "Settings" button to open up the Online Form Settings and from the General Tab>View, you'll be able to select whether to keep the current online form format (i.e. a single page with fields organised and displayed by section) or change the form to a new format (multiple pages with each section showing on a different page, with or without a section heading depending on your choice of section visibility) ⤵

Using Fields and Containers on your Form

Depending on which “Primary Record Type” was selected when the Form was created, in the left hand panel, you will see a few pre-created Fields that can be added to your Form.

Each field represents a “question” or data value that can be filled in by a recipient of the Form when you send a link or embed the form on a website.

In addition to the pre-created fields, you can create additional custom fields of the following types:

  • Float (number with decimal places), Integer (whole number)

  • Date, Date & Time

  • Dropdown, Multi-select, Radio (these fields have a validated list of options)

  • Rating (a new type of field only available on Online Forms)

  • Single Line text (max 256 characters), Long text

  • Email, Phone

  • Checkbox

All fields are shared between Forms and can be used only once per Form.

Adding Containers to your Online Form

Just like working with record Forms in the Admin Module, you can add multi-column containers to enhance the layout of your Online Forms by adding containers with the following configuration ratios: 1:1, 1:1:1, 1:1:2, 2:1:1, 1:1:1:1 ⤵

Form layout is adaptive; all forms start in a single-column container. Adding a multi-column container expands the form width whereas removing the last container resets the form to its original starting width

You can reorder both fields and containers using drag & drop. Fields can be moved within a container or between different containers ⤵

When removing a multi-column container, the user is prompted to select from the options to:

  • Remove both container and fields.

  • Remove the container while preserving fields in a single-column view.

Adding Fields to containers

You can drag & drop a field from the left hand panel into a container your Form ⤵

Click on the three dots icon to Edit a field, Copy it or Delete it ⤵

Add a new field using the “Create New Field” button. If you choose to add a field of type Dropdown, Radio or Multi-select checkbox, as well as the Field Name, you’ll need to specify the values that a recipient of the Form will be able to use when filling in and submitting the Form.

The first option is to choose “Custom values” and then type in the options that should be available for recipients to choose from ⤵

The alternative option is to “tie” the values of your new field to a field that already exists in Pipeliner. This is a great way to ensure that any responses received map directly to a valid option. Choose “Existing Field Values” and then choose the field to map the values from ⤵

Here’s the mapped field from the Accounts Fields tab in Pipeliner showing the values that will be available on the Form for the responder to pick from ⤵

If your new field is any other Type, you’ll just need to enter a Field Name and choose the Type from the list ⤵

We’ve also added a new field type “Rating” for you to use on Online Forms to capture feedback scores ⤵

Form Field Settings

Once you’ve dragged and dropped a field onto your Form, you can then update the Properties. A field can be:

  • Reordered by dragging & dropping vertically

  • Made visible or hidden depending on conditional rules

  • Pre-filled with data

  • Made “Invisible”

  • Made “Read-only”

  • Set as “Required”

  • Copied to create another new field

  • Removed from the Form

Click on an individual field to open up the sidebar ⤵

The General tab

Enter a Title and Description for the field. This can be different on each Online Form. You can use Rich Text formatting and insert Personalization Markers into both the Title and Description.

Scrolling down, you’ll be able to select an image to display for each field as well as make the field Visible (on by default), Required or Read-only

The Values Tab

Click on the Values tab to customize text, placeholders and ranges of the current field. The values are dependent on the field type ⤵

NOTE: Date and Date/Time fields have no Values tab.

The Pre-fill Tab

You can “Enable pre-fill” for each field. This allows you to share the Form link with some answers already populated or filled with default values to help your recipients complete the Form quickly ⤵

Choose between the 2 options to determine how the values will be pre-filled:

  • Custom pre-fill value - choose a fixed custom value that will be used for pre-filling

  • Pre-fill value by field - select a field from which the value will be prefilled. You’d use this option when you want to personalize the Form and pre-fill it with values that relate to your chosen record. Note that you can only select compatible matching fields - e.g. if your Form field is a date, you’ll only be able to select from date fields on your record type.

The Rules Tab

These Conditional Rules are available for all fields on the Online Form and are used to set a field to only display when another field has been completed with an appropriate value. For example, a field listing “Menu Options” will only display when a “Yes” has been selected in a field named “Attending Dinner?

Toggle the Rule on or off. When the Rule is on, the field/question is hidden by default. When the form is completed, if the condition is met, the field/question will appear, or will remain hidden if not ⤵

Rules can be enabled for all field types. The displayed/hidden behaviour is dependent on a single other field that must already be placed on the form. If you’ve added Sections to your Form, fields will be grouped by Section.

You can enable Conditional Rules when a field is set as Required on the Form. When a field is marked as required, but is hidden by an unmet condition, the form can still be submitted.

The available options depend on the field type of the Conditional Field.

  • Multi-select field type operators:

    • Any - any of the selected values meets the condition is met and the field will be displayed

    • All - all of the selected options must be selected for the field to be displayed

  • Input type fields (Single line text, Float, Integer, Date,etc):

    • “Is not empty” is the only supported operator

  • Validated fields (Dropdown, Radio, Rating etc)

    • The user can choose one option and when that option is selected, the dependant field will be displayed


Click on the Footer to change the text of the Submit button and to choose where to place it within the Footer ⤵

Online Form Settings

Click on the Settings button to select options to determine the behaviour of the Form ⤵

Responses Tab

These options covers the following types of use case:

  • You are running an event with a limited number of attendees (let’s say a maximum of 50), so if 50 users answer “I want to attend“ the form will automatically stop allowing new responses

  • You are organising an event which has a limited number of attendees (let’s say a maximum of 50), so if 10 recipients answer "I want to attend" and then these people also fill another field "How many people are going with you" with 4, the form will summarize the answers and stop allowing new responses.

  • You are selling tickets for a charity concert, but the event company needs to know the number of attendees 2 days before the event, so the online form stops accepting new responses after a certain date and time.

From the General Tab and then Responses, select your response options:

Limit to 1 response - if this is enabled, when the responder submits the Form more than once, they will be prompted to replace a previous response

Check for existing responses - if enabled, the responder will be prompted to replace an existing response OR create a new response when they submit a Form more than once whereas if this option is unchecked, all responses submitted by a user will be saved as new.

Response Acceptance Date Limit

By enabling this option, the form will stop accepting new responses after that specific date & time. The respondent will see the custom message in "Show Message when the Form has expired" when their form submission is after the set date & time (the custom message can have personalization enabled) ⤵

Response Acceptance Threshold

By enabling this option, the form will stop accepting new responses when the number of responses exceeds the set limit. The respondent will see the custom message in "Show message when threshold has been reached" when the number of form submissions exceeds the limit (the custom message can have personalization enabled). Note that when this option is enabled, the “Limit to 1 response” option becomes mandatory (checked & disabled) ⤵

The limit can be set as a Total Number of Responses which will auto disable the form after a set number of responses or as a Custom Condition. When using Custom Condition, the next step is to Set Formula to determine how responses are summed up. The example below sums the submitted response + the number of additional guests submitted by the respondent ⤵

The Max Value per Response is the maximum value of the summed value (using the formula). In our example, that’s the respondent themselves + 4 guests giving a maximum of 5 per response. The Max Value of all responses is the maximum number across all responses. For our example, the form will be automatically disabled when the total number of respondents plus guests exceeds 100 ⤵

On Form Submit Tab

The On Form Submit tab determines what happens when the Form is submitted by the recipient.

Update Record Form

If your Form submission contains a value - Contact’s email address, for example - that can uniquely identify a record already in Pipeliner, you can choose to update that Pipeliner record with additional information or to overwrite existing information. Click on the “Update Record Form” button to set up mappings from your Form fields to fields in Pipeliner ⤵

Click into each field that you want to update with information submitted on the Form response ⤵

NOTE: if the primary purpose of your Form is to update records in Pipeliner, you’ll want to include a field on your Form that is pre-filled from a record (and probably read-only or even made invisible so the data cannot be amended) and this will help ensure that a matching record is found when the Form response is submitted.

Create Record Form

If a record in Pipeliner that matches to the submitted Form response cannot be found, you can enable the “Create Record” option. You'd definitely want to leave this option enabled if you don't know who may fill in your form - if you're planning to embed it on your website, for example ⤵

Click on “Create Record Form” to map fields from your Form response to a new record in Pipeliner ⤵

NOTE: the Create/Update form is always the same entity type as the form’s Primary record type.

Attach response to record as pdf

Enable this option to save the response as a pdf that will then be attached to the Documents tab of the Created or Updated record. The pdf name contains the form name to make it easier to identify which form generated the response.

Send email notification to

Switch this on to send a notification by email when a response is submitted. You can send the response to:

  • The Owner of the Form

  • The Owner of the Pipeliner record (as long as one can be identified)

  • A specific user or users (select from the list) ⤵

When the submission was successful

When the submission was successful, choose between:

Show thank you message to display a Thank You page to the responder with your custom message as entered into the Title and Message fields below, noting that you can use Rich Text and personalization options.

Redirect to an external website by entering a custom URL.

Record Identity

The options on this tab allow you to choose how a Form response will be matched to a record in Pipeliner ⤵

There are two options that can be used to identify a record and link it with a submitted response:

Identify by Record ID

When a personalized Form link is sent to a recipient, it will contain the underlying record ID which means that the record can be precisely identified and matched to the response.

Identification by Field on the Record

Enable this option and pick a field from your Form that will be used to find an existing record ⤵

NOTE: if multiple matching records are found, the Form response will update the one that has the latest Modified Date.

When a matching record is not identified, and the option to “Create New record” is not enabled - a Form response will be created but it will not be linked to any existing record. The responder will be “Unknown”.

Require Record Identification

Enable this setting to disallow “unknown” responses - i.e. those that cannot be matched to an existing record in Pipeliner using the record identification criteria you are using ⤵

The person trying to submit the form will see the message you create (or will be directed to an external site if that option is selected). No new record will be created for the “unknown” respondent.

Online Form Preview

Click on the Preview tab at any time to see the impact of your selections on how the Form will display to the recipients ⤵

If you have added Sections to your form, you'll see fields organised by Section in a single page or will be able to click on Next (and Back) if you've selected the multi page option ⤵

If your Form is personalized, choose a record to preview how the Personalization markers will be displayed ⤵

You can swap between the Desktop and Mobile previews ⤵

Saving and Activating your Form

Once you’ve finished setting up your Form, click on “Save” to save your changes but keep it inactive so you can continue working on it or “Save & Activate” to publish your changes to the web so that responses to the Form can be submitted ⤵

You can also Get Link, Get Embedded Code or Customise Theme by clicking on the three dots icon ⤵

If someone tries to respond to a Form that is not activated, they will receive the following message ⤵

Sending Online Forms via Pipeliner Email

Once your Online Form is activated, you can send the link via a Pipeliner email. Online Forms sent via Pipeliner Emails are tracked in the Online Form Summary under the Sent and Sent Unique statistics.

Click on an email address to start a Standard email (or select a group of records to send a Mass Email). Click on the Online Forms icon to access all Online Forms that are compatible with the type of record that you’re sending the Email from (i.e. if you start your email from a Contact, you’ll see Online Forms where Contact is the Primary Record type) ⤵

Choose the Form you want to send, to insert a link into your email ⤵

How Online Form Responses are logged in Pipeliner

Submitted responses are created as a Feed item named “Online Form”. Every response submitted is linked to (related to ) a Primary record and, possibly, secondary records (similarly to Emails) depending on the matching values.

The Primary record linked to the Online Form response is named “Responded By” and you can use this field for filtering or reporting.

Subject to your User Role, you’ll be able to see “Online Form” responses (and Filter them in the Feed View tab options) from the main Feeds menu. Online Form responses are sorted by Response Date in Feeds ⤵

You’ll also be able to see them from the Feeds tab of the record they are linked to (if a matching record was identified) ⤵

NOTE: if a matching record was not found, the responder will be shown as “Unknown”. “Unknown” responses are visible to all users from the main Feeds menu.

NOTE: the URL will keep query parameters after the form is loaded, so even if the online form is reloaded (manually or automatically), it will be always properly pre-filled. This will help to avoid “unknown” responses.

NOTE: if a user is the Owner of the Online Form or has been granted the permission to manage online forms in their User Role, such a user will always see all responses submitted for that Form even if the user doesn’t have access to see the linked records.

Click on a response to open it ⤵

The fields (questions) from the Form are shown on the left side the Questions with the responses on the right side Clicking on the three dots allows the response to be deleted (subject to the rights detailed below) or Forwarded. When a response is forwarded, a PDF of the response is generated and attached to the Email.

Deleting Online Form Responses

Only the Owner of the Online Form or a user with permission to manage online forms can delete the Online Form responses.

NOTE: deleting an Online Form does not also delete previous responses submitted from that Form.

Online Form Summary

The Online Form Summary gives an analysis of the performance of the Online form. It allows bulk operations via data drill down and also filtering data based on response values ⤵

You can access the Online Form Summary from Feeds by clicking “Show Form Summary” ⤵

or directly from Online Form Manager by selecting a Form and clicking the “Show Statistics in CRM” link ⤵

You can also open the Form and click on the “Results” button ⤵

The Summary Tab

The Summary tab shows a breakdown of totals and also lists of specific responders/records. ⤵


Sent is the number of Pipeliner emails that have been sent which include this specific Online Form link.

Sent Unique totals the number of Pipeliner emails that have been sent which include this specific Online Form but deduplicated by record e.g. if the same Form was sent to an individual Contact twice, this total would count it once.

Responses is the total number of records who responded.

Response rate is the percentage of Sent Unique/Responses to understand the response rate when sendng Online forms via Email.


In the Responded tab, the List View displays the records which responded to the Form.

The Sent tab is a list of records who were sent this Form via a Pipeliner email.

Sent And Not Responded tab is a list of records who were sent this Form via a Pipeliner email and where no response has been received.

Unknown Respondents is a list of responses that could not be matched to a record.

NOTE: if the same responder submits more than 1 response to the same Form, it is calculated as 1 response. Remember you can manage multiple responses in your Form Settings.

Selecting records from any list view allows you to "Export" or "Print Responses" or to “Open” to drill down into the data which then gives access to additional bulk operations. ⤵

If you Export, the resulting file will contain the Online Form field names as columns. If a field on the Form was not filled in by any respondent it will not be included in the output.

Choosing Print Responses will print the responses to a pdf file.

The Responses Tab

Use the Responses tab to view and filter responses.

Select one of the Form fields to review all responses to that particular question in the List View. You have the same options - including drill down - as in the Summary tab ⤵

Click on the Filter button to select any of the Form fields to use in filter criteria to only display the responses that you are most interested in ⤵

Reporting and Filtering on Online Forms

Online forms can be used in reporting in combination with main entities which are Accounts, Contacts, Leads and Opportunities.

Standard and Pivot Table Reports

Starting from an Accounts, Contacts, Leads or Opportunities report, you can choose to add Online Forms to your main entity data.

Create your report - for example, based on Contacts ⤵

Once your report is created, you can add Latest Online Form Response fields to your report ⤵

You can then change from Last Online Form Response to All Online Form Responses

Click on the gear icon and choose “All Online Form Responses”, also checking “Show only rows with related record(s)” to eliminate records with no Online Form Responses from your Report ⤵


Responses can be used in all different types of Charts ⤵


All Online Form fields are supported in Filters. Online Form filters are available for Accounts, Contacts, Leads and Opportunities ⤵

Automatizer and Online Forms

We’ve added support for Online Form as a trigger for Automatizer processes when Online Forms responses are submitted ⤵

NOTE: when you choose the primary record type, this will filter the Online Form(s) that you can choose from and will also determine all dependent actions - such as personalisation - that can be used in the process.

NOTE: an Online Form can be submitted without a linked record - i.e. responder is “Unknown”. You need to remember this when setting up your process as if you make conditions dependent on record fields or actions with personalization markers using the specific record type, the process might not run successfully.


Online Form fields can be used in setting up your Conditions.

TOP TIP: in order to prevent problems that may be caused by “Unknown” responders, you should generally include “Responded by is not empty” as one of your filter criteria in your Condition ⤵


The standard options for Actions is available ⤵

You can access Online Form Personalization markers in the actions that you create ⤵

The following Online Form personalization markers are supported:

  • Triggered Online Form - “meta info” about the current form

  • Triggered Online Form Response - all questions and their values (answers from the submitted form)

  • Triggered Online Forms Question Title - all questions and their titles from the submitted Form. The field name can be different from the Title, especially if the field is used on more than one Form. You’d use these when you want to use the questions and answers in the actions

  • Triggered Online Form Owner - the Owner of the Form

  • Triggered {entity}... - Online Form Primary linked record

  • Other default System markers are also available

Sending an Online Form via the Send Email Action

You can access Online Forms set up for your chosen Trigger Entity as well as the Online Forms Manager from within an Email when using the Send Email Action ⤵

Managing access rights to Online Forms

Your Pipeliner Admins control which individuals are able to create and edit Online Forms based on User Roles. Access the Admin Module using the App Switcher icon in the top left corner of Pipeliner and select “Administration”.

Next click on Units, Users and Roles and then the Roles tab. Choose the Role to edit and then navigate to the Tools tab. In Tools select your preferred options for Online Forms for the selected User Role ⤵

If you switch off access completely, all users based on that role:

  • will have no access to online form manager

  • will see responses linked to records they can watch

  • will see all responses that are not linked to a specific record (i.e. are “Unknown”)

If you leave Online Forms enabled, you can then also choose from:

  • Allow management of Online Forms and Online Form Responses” - OFF

    • Users will have access to Online Form Manager

      • User can see all Online Forms

      • User can create and edit only their own Online Forms

    • Users will see responses linked to any records they are allowed to view and responses created by their own Forms

    • User is able to delete responses created by their own Forms

    • User will see all responses that are not linked to a specific record (i.e. are “Unknown”)

  • Allow management of Online Forms and Online Form Responses” - ON

    • Users will have access to Online Form Manager

      • User can see all Online Forms

      • User can create Forms and edit all Online Forms

    • Users will see responses linked to any records they are allowed to view and responses created by all Online Forms

    • User is able to delete responses created by all Online Forms

    • User will see all responses that are not linked to a specific record (i.e. are “Unknown”)

In addition to your licensed users, Subscription Administrators (who are not also Users) will have access to open the Online Forms Manager via the Automation Hub but will not be able to:

  • Export or Print Responses

  • Show Statistics in CRM

  • Select a record for a personalized link

  • Select a record in preview

  • Select a record in Create/Update forms relation fields/lookups

Requesting Activation of Online Forms from the Automation Hub

Online Forms is automatically enabled for customers on our Unlimited Tier. It is available as a paid-for add-on for customers on other tiers.

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