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Management Insights

Insights give a high-level metric-driven view of your teams' sales performance

Updated over a week ago

This article will cover the following topics:


The Insights menu offers you various KPI, metric-driven views of your team, users and pipeline performance. The KPIs focus on Leads, Opportunities and Activities and allow you to visualise and compare performance, based on selected users or sales units and over different timelines. These outcomes can result in informed decision making, changes in process, a clearer focus on what happens to Leads or Opportunities and so much more.

Click on the "Insights" menu ⤵

NOTE: If you’re set as a Manager Level user within Pipeliner, you’ll see four tabs that allow you to compare your team members and/or sales units. However, if you’re a Member Level user, you’ll still see all this useful information, but only relating to your own performance and KPIs, so the Indicators tab will not display ⤵

Helpful Hints

  • Insights are mostly based on system data that cannot be changed by your users. An example is the "Actual Close Date" — the date an Opportunity was physically moved into the Won column as opposed to "Close Date" which can be changed. When you use date ranges in Insights, the date used is the "Actual Close Date". Another example is "Owner" — Insights are always based on the user who performed the action (KPI) not the current owner of the Lead or Opportunity (which may be different).

  • Data in the Insights area becomes more valuable over a period of real-life use and may seem skewed if you recently imported a lot of historical Opportunity or Lead data.

Insights Tab

Provides easy to visualize trend graphs or bar charts that show the difference between such Key Performance Indicators as the number of Leads and Opportunities created — the number of Lost and Won Opportunities and number of Leads and Opportunities converted as well as Revenue Won and Lost. You can choose to view the data by User or by Sales Unit — or just your own — and see comparative views over different periods. The Power Panel also gives you additional filtering options — maybe you want to view these KPIs for a specific marketing campaign. Insights are going to give you all this data in a realistic visual way.

Indicators Tab

Indicators displays enhanced KPI metrics for users with Manager rights in Pipeliner. If you want to instantly see how all of your sales reps are doing with the same benchmarks and KPI's, look no further than a single click on Indicators.

Conversions Tab

Provides the key to where Leads and Opportunities started and then what happened to them. It details the pathway that Leads and Opportunities follow from creation through to closure (either Won or Lost).

Performance Tab

Provides the key to which step(s) within your pipelines are the longest and on average how long it takes to move from a Lead to an Opportunity to Won. Armed with this information, you can easily address bottlenecks and hurdles that are delaying your sales.

Using the Insights Tab

Let’s use the “Insights” tab to visualize how each of your Sales Units (teams, departments, divisions etc) are performing.

Depending on how you have been set up as a user in Pipeliner, you can select from “Show users results”, “Show units results” or “Show my results”.

NOTE: If you are a “Member” level user, you’ll only be able to see your own data. In order to see the metrics of other users or sales units, you need to have been given “Manager” rights ⤵

Click on the down arrow on the right hand side for a user or sales unit to display the metrics for that unit or user. The KPIs displayed are:


  • Created Leads — the number of Leads created during the date period

  • Created Opportunities — the number of Opportunities created during the date period


  • Qualified Leads — the number of Leads Qualified to become Opportunities during the date period

  • Won Opportunities — the number of Opportunities moved into the Won (green) column during the date period


  • Lost Leads — number of Leads archived (Lost) during the date period

  • Lost Opportunities — number of previously open Opportunities archived (Lost) during the date period

  • Won Amount — total value of Opportunities Won during the date period

  • Lost Amount — total value of Opportunities Lost during the date period

NOTE: Please refer to the Helpful Hints section at the beginning of this article for a reminder of how the date and user metrics are calculated — the date used is the system field “Actual Close Date” and the User is the one who performed the action of moving the Opportunity to Won or Lost (i.e. not necessarily the Owner).

You can choose to see the trend graph or a bar chart view ⤵

Click to add additional KPIs into the view ⤵

Mouse over the chart or bar to see the indicators over a period of time and compare them ⤵

Click on a specific point in the trend graph or on a bar to drill down into the underlying data.

NOTE: In a bar chart, the first click expands the view to the selected section and the second click is the drill down

You can select one or more records by ticking the checkboxes on the left hand side and then use one of the menu buttons to, for example, export the data; run an Automatizer process on those records or send a Mass Email ⤵

Using the Indicators Tab

You use the “Indicators” tab in a very similar to the "Insights" Tab, but you’ll see additional and more detailed KPIs ⤵

First, choose from “Show users results” or “Show units results”. You can then choose to display “All Indicators”, “Leading Indicators” or “Lagging Indicators” ⤵

The KPIs (and the section they belong in) are:


Record Type






Number of Opportunities created within the selected time period




Number of Opportunities that were Won within the selected time period




Number of Opportunities within the selected time period that were Lost

Won Amount



Total amount of all Opportunities that were Won within the selected time period

Lost Amount



Total amount of all Opportunities that were Lost within the selected time period

Win Rate



Of Won and Lost Opportunities with Closing dates within a selected time period, this is the percentage of Opportunities that were Won

Avg. Time Spent



The average number of days which closed Opportunities spent in the sales cycle

Sales Velocity



The total revenue expected per day over the specific time period

Avg. Opportunity Size



Average value of all Open Opportunity within the selected time period




Number of Leads created within the selected time period




Number of Leads qualified within the selected time period




Number of Leads lost (archived) within the selected time period

Avg. Time Spent



The average number of days which closed leads spent in the sales cycle




Number of created Tasks and Appointments created within the selected time period




Number of Tasks completed and Appointments attended within the selected time period

Email Sent



Number of emails sent within the selected time period

NOTE: Please refer to the Helpful Hints section at the beginning of this article for a reminder of how the date and user metrics are calculated — the date used is the system date “Actual Close Date” and the User is the one who performed the action of moving the Opportunity to Won or Lost (i.e. not necessarily the Owner).

Click on a KPI and then select the units or users that you want to be included in the display ⤵

Click on a specific point in the graph or bar chart to drill down to the underlying data.

The Conversions Tab

The “Conversions” Tab shows the flow of Leads and Opportunities.

  • What’s happening to your Leads?

  • Are they making it to become Opportunities or not?

  • How many Opportunities are added without having begun life as a Lead?

  • How many or how much?

You can see counts or values.

First, click on the “Conversions” Tab.

Let’s select the “Profile View” that would suit us best for the question we are looking to answer.

EXAMPLE: I’d like to find out how many Leads were qualified to become Opportunities over the current year.

Select “All Count” for the profile view ⤵

The green areas help to visualize the flow of those Leads or Opportunities that were won, while the red areas help to visualize the flow of those Leads or Opportunities that were lost ⤵

Scroll down to view more information including a historical record charted for you.

Herewith a mouse over the chart, we can see that in 2018 there were 72 open opportunities ⤵

Mouse over a little to the right and now we can see in 2019 how this differs ⤵

The Performance Tab

The Performance tab gives you deep and intuitive feedback on the health and performance of each of your Pipelines.

For each pipeline, you’ll see an overview which includes the Number of Qualified Leads, the total value of Open Opportunities, Lost Opportunities and Won Opportunities as well as the pipeline Win Rate and Average Velocity (the average number of days Opportunities spend in that pipeline).

The overview is for a date range which is selected in the Power Panel. The default selection is "Current Year" ⤵

Performance for a specific Pipeline

Click on a pipeline to drill into deeper Insights for the date period, reviewing performance by sales step or by user. You can view the overall pipeline health showing Open vs Lost Opportunities by step or by user, Velocity by step or by user, Conversion Rates or Win Percentages by Step and can choose from counts or values ⤵

Pipeline Overview by Step

Select Pipeline Overview by Step and then choose from Count or Value. Hover over a bar for a step to see the value (or count) of Open and Lost Opportunities within that step of the pipeline.

You’ll still see the overview of the selected pipeline on the right hand side ⤵

Pipeline Overview by User

Shows Open and Lost Opportunities per User for the pipeline for the selected period. Choose from "Count" or "Value" ⤵

Average Velocity by Step

Shows the average number of days spent in each step during the date period with the overall average shown on the right hand side ⤵

Average Velocity by User

Shows the average number of days spent in the pipeline during the date period broken down by user and indicating how that user performs against the average velocity ⤵

Conversion Rate by Step

Shows the proportion of Opportunities which are converted from one step to the next. Choose from "Count" or "Value" ⤵

Win Probability by Step

Shows the actual percentage of Opportunities that were "Won" having been through that step and indicates what the probability for each step is currently weighted as (as defined in your Pipeline set up)

Performance for a Step within a Pipeline

You can click on an individual step to get an overview of the performance in that step ⤵

Pipeline Overview by User

Shows Open and Lost Opportunities per User for the selected pipeline step for the selected period. Choose from "Count" or "Value" ⤵

Average Velocity by User

Shows the average number of days spent in the selected step of the pipeline during the date period broken down by user and indicating how that user performs against the average velocity for that step ⤵

Conversion Rate by User

Shows the proportion of Opportunities which are converted from the selected step to the next step broken down by user and illustrating how the user’s average compares to the overall average conversion rate for the step. Choose from "Count" or "Value" ⤵

Drill down to access Actionable Data

You can also access actionable data by clicking to drill down on any bar ⤵

Select one or more records in the list to access the Actions from the toolbar.

Using the Power Panel in Insights

Use the options in the Power Panel to change the date range you want to use and the frequency to display the data by — month, quarter or year, for example. You can also choose to show or hide data from users who are inactive or for sales units that have since been removed.

You can also set up custom filters using the Filter tab, just as you would elsewhere in Pipeliner. You might use this to just see the metrics for a particular “Lead Source” or “Industry” ⤵

Using Filters

Click on the Filter tab to enable additional filter criteria. Using the Preset options, you can filter by specific users (or units) to restrict the display to just those you select ⤵

You can also click on the "Custom" button to add in specific criteria. As elsewhere in Pipeliner, you can filter by fields on different types of record — not just Lead/Opportunity but also Account or Contact, for example ⤵

Saving a Custom Profile View

You can save your selections as a new “Custom Profile” so it’s easy to re-use in the future.

Select the gear icon in the upper right of the Power Panel and use the “Save As” selection to save this newly created Custom Profile view ⤵

This makes sure you don’t overwrite the original Profile View and adds your new Custom Profile to the dropdown ready for use next time.

Sharing Your Custom Profiles

Once you create a “Custom Profile” view, no one else can see it unless you share it with them.

From the Power Panel, select the sharing option and choose the users you want to share your profile with in the "Custom" section ⤵

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